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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. David Allen Coe's manager was a Dixie Mafia type deeply involved in various coin-op businesses. A buddy of mine in Nashville lived in the same building as Coe's drummer, and my buddy told me that drummer came off a tour one time with such a huge bag of quarters he had to drag it up the stairs.
  2. The Semiotics Of High-end Escort Theory was a grad-school course
  3. Pressley has. lost his mojo. He got Lidged somehow and now he's the team's Jonah.
  4. But he speaks truth.We zll gotta die; I'd like to die in her orchard of peaches.
  5. During the early days of Trump's first term, I was called to DC for a family event, and at the time, one of my sisters was a concierge at the Four Seasons. She told me that she worked with a lot of Nigerians, who sarcastically thought it was hilarious that we had elected an African dictator. A couple of days after that I was in an Uber, driven by a Cameroonian, and I was kind of drunk, and apologizing to him for how we had made this terrible mistake as a nation. how we had duplicated what he had fled from, and I assured him that the US By God American justice system would prevail and we would have him impeached and thrown out of the White House and no time at all. He just laughed and said “the only way that man is going to leave that house forever is with a bullet in his head.” Linked is maybe Trevor Noah’s finest moment in a career of few.
  6. The late Johnny Bush (composer of "Whiskey River" and a one-time star in his own right) told this story to a bunch of us in Houston, where grew up near the refineries: After his parents got divorced Johnny went to live with his grandmother, a snuff-dipping lady who favored bathrobes (stained with snuff juice) and rocking chairs. She gave young Johnny a strict midnight curfew when he was a teen, because as she put it "Ain't nothin' but legs and hospitals open in Kashmere Gardens after midnight." One night Johnny busted that curfew and thought he could sneak back in around one AM. Nope -- granny was in that rocking chair with a dip in waiting for him. "You know I told you to be in by midnight," she told him. "Where in the world did you get to." "Well, it wasn't no hospital," Bush replied.
  7. If we want to go really, really old school, we can attribute the deaths to Las Sirenas del Rio Colorado, as suggested upthread, pero sin el Español. Hot babes in the water seducing these dudes to their watery graves. Honestly it seems almost as likely of them all just happening to fall in the river so close together. A bayou runs through Houston's downtown; Nashville has the Cumberland running right therer; NOLA has the friggin' Father of Waters boiling past the Quarter. Yes, people end up being fished out of those waterways dead all the time but there never seems to be anything resembling a pattern. Something is going on here. I''m thinking drugged, mugged, tossed in the water.
  8. Surly Sherlock hat here; the killer got burned on a crypto deal
  9. I will not agree that it's a shithole, but I will say this: when I was there around 2005, there was a passed out man laid out on Market Street, with a long string of yellow crime scene tape sticking out of his exposed ass. We all just walked over him like he was a log. Even in his passed out condition, you could tell that he was schizophrenic. I can only imagine what it's like today.
  10. NSIAP: Just making sure this is in the thread:
  11. One of the most underrated songs of the '80s. Also displays his beginnings as an Anglican church organist back when he was about 12.
  12. Fuck the Steelers forever. Luv ya Blue
  13. All y'all who think Yordan is a liability in LF say what?
  14. Lacking Altuve and Brantley we are basically the same as the pre-dynastic 2016 squad
  15. Like "Belgium'", Forrest Whitley does not exist.
  16. Late to this thread but I know a bunch of dudes who got kicked out of St. John's in Houston and wound up at Lamar, one of the most affluent public schools in Texas. I asked one of them what the difference was and with no hesitation he said "we had better drugs at St. John's."
  17. An acquaintance of mine at UT was mugged by a group of dudes on the Congress St. bridge (circa 1989) and tossed over the side. He was kind of a badass and a very skilled swimmer, so he survived. I kind of think at least some of these deaths came about under similar circumstances.
  18. Good point but it's likely Verlander would be on the IL for us too.
  19. I've grown to hate the Chisox. Their uniforms are ugly, and it looks like all of them are Sluggo from that old comic strip. In my mind's ear they all talk like 1930s gangsters. They keep on beaning Astros. They need an ass-whoopin'. To reiterate, fuck the Chisox.
  20. Love it that Kelly is taking the L.
  21. I'd rather see Blanco in the rotation than Urquidy, who seems ill-suited for MMP. Urquidy has come through for us but I'm always nervous when he's on the mound.
  22. A quick note I don't want to get away: when Robert robbed Tuck, seemingly in return for Tuck robbing him earlier in the series, Robert Ford called it "Gold Glover-on-Gold Glover violence,"
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