1. America elects a Black president.
2. Said Black president shitcans Michael Flynn for very good and valid reasons.
3. This drives Flynn nuts to the point of sedition (actual) and treason (almost; all he needs is a hostile foreign power to be in a state of open war against America.)
4. Because and only because we are a nation of laws and not men, and by the very specific intent of the founders treason is both a) defined in the Constitution; and B) very difficult to prosecute successfully, Flynn is not yet, IMO, a candidate for the gallows.
5. However, I do wonder why the army has not canceled his pension, stripped him of rank, and forbidden him to appear in uniform. He should have been Citizen Flynn a long time ago; indeed his political career has me questioning whether any ex military types should be able to flaunt their uniform and rank the way he has. I am quite certain George Washington would be appalled.
6. Along with the other cheerleaders of Jan 6 Flynn deserves prosecution and heavier incarceration than the idiot foot soldiers spurred on by their rhetoric. However we have become a nation of Status Over Fairness and so Flynn et al will walk. I’ve said it before but this is like if we convicted a slew of SS privates and NCOs at Nuremberg but didn’t even arrest the likes of Himmler, Goebbels, and yes, Hitler. And so we are quite likely to have another Jan 6.