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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. I had to just accept an orphan state. Over time I have come to hate the Texans so much I pull for whoever they line up against every week. I thrive on the tears of Andre Ware and Mark Van de Whatshisface. It’s the most consistently rewarding fan experience I’ve ever had. it was the Rosencopter game that ultimately got me off the fence and in to this Frankly I Don’t Give a Damn / mockery state. I just ain’t got time for another perennially shitty team.
  2. If you are a Houstonian born before 1990 and have accepted the Texans as a replacement for the Oilers I probably don’t want to know you. if the Texans came along when you were a kid that’s one thing but to jump on the Texans bandwagon having once loved the Oilers is another. And what a lame outfit to sell out for. These so called fans deserve this shitty franchise.
  3. My daughter (no pics) is 18 and wants to be a vet. We all know that, tragically, aggy has the top vet school in state. I am a big believer in letting my older kids make their own decisions without too much chatter from me, within sensible limits, of course. Since attending that college for vet school was not quite life threatening, I held my tongue when she went up to aggieland for a visit. I needn’t have worried. Everything about tge town and the school and the campus and the student body contributed to a violent case of the nopes. It’s hard wired into her, apparently. I was so proud of her. oh well, Lubbock/ out of state here we come.
  4. Not a question but a fun factoid: On September 27, Jose Altuve, number 27 for the Astros, hit his 27th homer off a pitcher who wears # 27
  5. Also for a time a serious coke head who even named his kid Bump
  6. I’d feel better about that if the O’s were making spectacular plays or we were cracking 105-mph smashes right at dudes. But nope: it’s almost all lazy fly balls and HS-level infield practice grounders. We need someone to protect Alvarez at or near his level of skill and intimidation but the trick is in not destroying the team Angels-style. it’s a shame Bregs seems to have peaked early. As for Tucker, he goes through weeks at a time of trying to kill the ball and that’s why he’s hitter no .260 and not .300-plus. He really can go until there and waste his gorgeous swing simply by swinging way too hard and taking his eye off the ball. For the life of me I’ll never understand why more dudes don’t choke up a bit and swat the ball to all fields. While roids were partially responsible, they were not 100 percent why Barry Bonds hit all those jacks, and he choked up a coupe of inches every AB. I can only guess it’s a peer pressure thing. So that’s what Tuck needs to do especially with two strikes. At first. Choke up, easy swing, use all fields. He really does have the potential to be a Hall of Famer but not if he keeps trying to rip upper deckers to right every time up. Try popping a few in the Crawfords…Those runs count the same.
  7. Somehow kidneys, liver etc have no long term damage. Pretty sure my family has been a bunch of drunks since fermentation was discovered.
  8. Thanks. I am on the mend after three months in the hospital. Two intubations, weeks of being so drugged up I felt as much dead in some weird purgatory as alive. Booze put me there. I was very near to becoming a modern day death of despair. I was treating severe depression and midlife crisis with wine. I was working from home and lived alone and can really handle my booze so there were no checks on my drinking, I was ordering my wine in via Instacart and drinking a box a day. And that was all I was consuming aside from Copenhagen. No food at all. I napped constantly but never felt rested. I quit driving abd more or less committed to a slow death spiral. i will omit some details but I got a scratch and it went septic and bam, here we are. I have severe foot pain still and forgot how to walk during my intubations. I also developed bedsores on my ass, one of which required surgery. Grim shit but after after a DWI, a failed marriage and two trips to rehab failed to do the trick, I think my research is finally complete. it’s been mentioned before on this thread but modern life makes it easier to leave Las Vegas than it’s ever been before. It’s all too easy to dio your foot in that river and the next thing you know you are being swept toward the abyss. At first you tell yourself you got this but at some point drinking yourself to death begins to seem the best option. You are just too perceptive and caring to live. Your friends and family will remember you as a noble soul too pure for this mean ol’ world. ummm, no, they will just remember you were a real bad alcoholic and that’s on the charitable side.
  9. Lam Jones
  10. A Monterrey native I graduated HS with in Houston moved back home and opened an Irish pub. Judging by the social media pics the place is always full of extreme high grade ass. Not skanks but chicks you might end up writing a country song over. Not in a position to look up name of the place but how many Irish pubs can Monterrey have? Owners name is Paco. They book cool bands late night too. Hell have the game on and there might be other expats there. Paco was a football teammate and dude could play — Mexican Gale Sayers
  11. "This is pretty cool but I want a Yordan bat."
  12. Why do these idiots always by zip ties? I mean I guess dude planned on killing himself anyway, but what, he is going to apprehend BK and frogmarchi him to some third location and do him in there? Seems like you get one shot at this, and zip ties don't enter into it. And if you did hope to get away with it, searches for purchasrers of zipt ties on video would be a short list. EDIT: I guess there is some kind of kidnap / murder bag kit online describing what you will need.
  13. Seems as good a place as any to put the most outrageous exception to the "undefeated" trope I know...Houston Press dd this story and this this rouble couple. Dede had ben to jail about three times for DV but they kept getting bac together. And once more things reached a head. "Oh honey," the woman said. Its too bad you don't have tape recorder. Because You know hat I am m going to do. I am going to bet myself up, clll he cops, and ell them you did it, again, just like all those other times before." She went on to relate her ways in clssic Bond Villian style. More details of her prior escapades. How she had his nuts in a vise, again, and how it would always be this way. I think she he even paused to cackle maniacally once or twice. Nevertheless, the dude split. And she did just like she said. She prepared another sob story and beat her own ass. But this time, the dude had taped the whole thing. All of it. Defeated.
  14. Bregs better get it together: Enmanuel Valdez 's .357/.463/1.112 slash got his ticket punched to Sugar Land tonight and he homered in his first two at bats and is now 3-for-3
  15. As someone who grew up partially in Tennessee, I agree, and have long backed you on this point. And in a way I almost envy Alabama because at least y'all's assholes are mostly homegrown.
  16. I know there is a lot of of talk about this in the Paxton, Patrick, Cruz, and Abbott threads, but I wanted to ask the question more generally. And I now there is the "because -R" theory of @Brisketexan's, whereby even a candidate by the name of Pete O'Puppycrusher would defeat an amalgam of Jesus, Tom Landry, and Willie Nelson today in any statewide election. But my question is this -- how did this motley crew of Dick Tracy villains and slime-coated dorks rise to the top within the GOP itself? I could understand if these decades of one-party rule resulted in a whole mess of Sid Miller-type yayhoos, and Louie Gohmert-type morons, but how is it that electorate that not that long ago churned out magnificent bastards and bitches like LBJ and Ann Richards now settles for the likes of these utterly un-Texan shitheels, with shitty BBQ and crisp mom jeans. Have we no re pride as a people? Any credible answer beyond "racism" gets a gold star, but that may well be it. I don't know.
  17. Remind those Boomers that they can still have Xmas parties and happy hours.
  18. That fucking Coke Zero radio ad makes me want to jam a barbecue fork in my ears. I don't understand how a team of well-paid pros can make an ad so stupid.
  19. You lucky man. It's obvious you've never stuck your dick and crazy and then hung around for months or years. This kind of shit is not really plotted out by these psychos. It's just who they are. It's what they do. They improvise in real time like Miles Davis and then retroactively form narratives. Damaged, addicted dudes like Depp are catnip to them because they thrive on drama, and damaged, addicted dudes like Depp fall for them because they are damaged, addicted dudes..
  20. You are giving Paxton too much credit. He's not just a criminal -- he's also incompetent.
  21. Tesla is going to make Enron seem like embezzling at the local at the local farm credit union before this all unravels. Maybe he will become the first interplanetary fugitive.
  22. Loved it, but mainly want to put in yet another plug for 2018's Netflix miniseries 7 Seconds. It's basically the same plot-- how it is pretty much impossible to be a good cop. Way underrated.
  23. Yordan is averaging about half a Transco on his two homers today.
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