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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. No. He just went away. A thousand plus posts and he just vanished. I was all set to nag him to answer my question or explain why he could not, but he just never came back. He just either switched handles or left altogether.
  2. Alright, Ms Black Lives Matter Until they Break the Window of My Favorite Boutique.
  3. That's not how you ferret out a troll. You have to devise a question that is not Googleable. I got rid of TCU Fan by asking him to name a restaurant owned by a famous Horned Frog family in Central Texas. It's obvious to me and I am only aware of TCU players because they played against Texas or chose TCU of Texas in recruiting battles. TCU Fan never posted again. Poof. Gone. (The answer is Schobel's, which any "TCU Fan" would know,)
  4. In times like these I ask, What Would Sam Houston Do? And the answer is not quake in my boots at the prospect of Penelope Weatherspoon neg-spree. Especially when she is negging links to Reuters articles about a possible peace deal with the potential to head off ww3.
  5. There are and have been trolls on here but you have their identities all wrong. I've personally run one off the site (TCU Fan) because I don't want them on here anymore than anyone else. Fozz was not a Russian troll but a far leftist American. He got run for speaking ill of Ruth Bader Ginsburg while her body was still warm. He knew far too much about too many Texas and college football things to be a Russian troll, though. I don't think they teach you to wank over Bill Connelly's SP+ ranking system in troll school. I might believe Caponata could be Fozz. All the (poultry) + (tobacco product) handles trace back to Chrispy, a reprehensible poster on the far right I also don't believe to be a troll.
  6. Negging me over Zelinskyy discussing a peace deal? I know you are a spree negger but do you care to discuss to the contents of the article? God, you are such a brat.
  7. Light at the end of the tunnel? Ukraine ready to discuss adopting neutral status in Russia peace deal, Zelenskiy says
  8. I am not saying they would. I am saying they won't let Ukraine join NATO.
  9. But Russia would not....and so we go round and round.
  10. Sorry I am not up to date on pet quarantine laws, but for the first 35 or so years of my life, several of which found me living in the UK, this quarantine was in place despite its complete and utter irrationality. (Beyond a week or two.)
  11. Finland and the Baltics have been there for years now.
  12. It's not rational. Why does England make you quarantine your pets for a full fucking year to ensure they are not rabid? In Russia's case, it's a leftover from the tens of millions killed in living memory.
  13. But there's the rub -- there's always an asshole around.
  14. You are wrong about everything about my political beliefs and have mischaracterized my posts. I've mentioned negs a couple of times in passing and have said nothing about "cancel culture" whatsoever. As I stated there were hiccups but in the long run -- look at it now, literally the capital of the European Union. If you'd told people that ni 1830 they'd think you were as insane as y'all are characterzing me for believing that Ukraine could be an eastern analogue. *One thing I wanted to get out of the way -- yesterday you claimed that I watched RT and suggested I did so regularly. I watched RT once for a half hour months ago and could see right through their BS propaganda approach. What I have done a little more frequently is read RT.com, where the propaganda is far more opaque -- subtle to the point of hardly being propaganda at all. And I haven't done that in a week or so. This is the one critique of the realist philosophy of IR that gives me pause, but I truly believe that, sadly, not every country can be a liberal democracy, and that it is in American fallacy that every country wants to be a liberal democracy, or should be a liberal democracy. Or that the proliferation of nation states is always a good thing. Former Yugoslavia has already gone up in flames once and remains a tinderbox today. Absent strongmen leaders, minorities suffer terribly in Middle Eastern states, and out crusade to westernize that region ended fast and badly in Iraq. (Remember, the plan the Iraq war's architects was to march on to Syria and Iran after our swift victory there.) Again it goes back to Thucydides: strong nations do what they will, weak nations what they must. America has egged Ukraine on for years now and now the country is in ruins and it almost seems dishonorable now for us not to come to their aid in a more direct manner; else, this is just a repeat of us encouraging the Kurdish uprising in Iraq in the first Gulf War and then standing by when Saddam crushed them after we left. Or any number of other times we've used the Kurds like a ten-dollar whore.
  15. Well, maybe you are right about some of your post but I am about the farthest thing from a conservative on this site, and have been even when being a screaming liberal was very uncool in the Hornfans days. I guess you are better at reading Putin's mind than you are mine.
  16. Look -- why would Russia veto a treaty it signed with Ukraine?
  17. How do we know? You've fallen in the trap of Putin Clairvoyance.
  18. The laws of physics do not prevent it; therefore it can be worked around. This would test Putin's stated belief he really just wants a neutral Ukraine. So be it -- let's see.
  19. You know what? A cool Russian could say the same about Trump's America. With all the bashing of the Deplorables on here I would think this would be an uncontroversial opinion, but in this context I expect a few negs. So be it.
  20. That can be worked around, obviously.
  21. Which is why more neutral countries make for a better planet.
  22. You've got a kid in Germany. Mine is in ready reserve. Your kid can fly home at will. Uncle Sam can call my kid up at will. We have different stakes in this game and it shows.
  23. No, you fucking idiot -- the UN enforces a treaty worked out by the interested parties here: Ukraine and Russia.
  24. One last post before I bow out. (You're welcome.) I had the rare privelige of taken a year of classes taught by Dr Harry Walsh at UH. A native of Fort Worth, Walsh was an artilleryman in the US army before attending grad school and going into army intelligence. At the height of the Cold War, he went to grad school at the University of Leningrad and spoke fluent Russian and taught it at UH. He'd casually let little clues slip that he knew the floor plan of the Pentagon -- he rolled his eyes at the endless corridors -- and let slip other hints that in all likelihood he'd been CIA. I took Russian lit in English for two consecutive semesters. One class was solely on Tolstoy, and the second was an appallng class that began with Chekhov and wound its way through nightmarish Soviet novels like Cement (think 1984, only with the narrator approving of the action) to Solzhenytsin. He recognized that they were capable of great evil. He had a complicated view on Russia. He genuinely loved the literature of the 19th Century and early 20th. And he also loved the Russian people. But one thing he impressed on all of us was that Russia was paranoid of land invasions and Ukraine was a third rail Given their history of devastation from the west coming once a century since the 1810s, he did not seem to think this was unreasonable.
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