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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. That whole musical comeback in the mid '90s was based on him simply refusing to say what "that" was.
  2. What if I told you he was doing a Bruce Springsteen parody....in 1977? Punk as fuck, right. (He wasn't.) Like a much shittier version of David Bowie and/or Queen, his music appealed to the drama club crowd. I guess Meat Loaf was the god of drama club music at the short bus schools.
  3. I thought it said "Citystate" on his forehead and he was making a bleak commentary on the futility of reppin' yo' hood. "Look at me, I could be from anywhere, but I am from everywhere, and nowhere." But nope, he let some bad bitch named Crystal have her name tattooed on his forehead. What went from a startlingly original concept plummeted to utter cliche. So disappointing.
  4. This took off on the religion angle and I meant to respond on the working from home side of things -- trust me, it won't get better without you taking some kind of steps. Bare minimum an accountability buddy you are strictly honest with, like a therapist or relationship partner, but you might find yourself lying to them. IT WILL NOT GET BETTER ON ITS OWN. I was teetering on the brink of alcoholism when I was allowed to work from home years ago. Talk about getting everything you wanted as the worst thing that could happen to me. The worst thing about it is you can and will conceal it until you are way, way farther down the road than someone who is more thoroughly integrated into society. I really think we are quietly reaping a whirlwind of addicts who might not have succumbed as deeply as they will because of the pandemic and working from home.
  5. They come out of there a little higher off the ground for sure
  6. Any town that can't exist without extorting travelers should not be a town at all. Defund the police? Nah, disincorporate the town.
  7. Spoiler warning that shit....PTSD.
  8. Or the Pompatuses of Glove...Or should that be Pompati?
  9. Yeah, Olivia was on our very short list at the end and we were so relieved we chose a more uncommon name. We succumbed to it with her middle name though -- Rose.
  10. It's uncanny how that works. Alone, couples think they are so original and they are. And then they get to pre-K and find out how mistaken they were.
  11. Uncle Sam taxed my British tax refund check.
  12. I wonder if they were able to serve him with the suit. Seems like a hard guy to find.
  13. I went to school in Nashville with Ralph's kid. He was a snitch and the got held back. I should have kicked his ass -- he saw me steal a chunk of fool's gold from the gift shop at the Land Between the Lakes gift shop and blackmailed me into giving him 75 cents. It was either that or cough up the fool's gold, 'cause if I'd kicked his ass I would have gotten busted for that, too, if I'd kept it. Little shit. He went by Kitty Emery back then.
  14. Yeah my take on Jeter has always been "overrated first ballot guy." It's not a ridiculous concept any means.
  15. yeah, corrected, thanks. I don't think he's a liar. I think he is a pure dumbass. I passed that meme along yesterday about the hamburger as pork thing thinking 100 percent it was satire. No, he really thinks that. I kind of wonder if he has CTE. America, home of the brain damaged thought leaders.
  16. Y'all do remember Rogan endorsed Bernie over Biden in 2020, right? He reluctantly said he'd rather vote for Trump over Biden but is no touting a 2024 Michelle Obama / Kamala Harris ticket as one he would heartily endorse and thinks would win. He calls Obama "the best president we've had in our lifetime.".... He's less a true right-wing moron than he is a one-size-fits-all moron. And his endorsement did almost nothing to help Bernie. It might have even harmed him because it got a bunch of moderate women's knickers in a twist about the prospect of a union of Bernie Bros and Bro Bros that never happened, and couldn't happen, because the concept of a legion of misogynistic Bernie Bros is a fiction concocted on the basis of a half-dozen dudes being dicks on Twitter, as if no other candidate had people being dicks on Twitter on their behalf. Anyway, anti-vax stances are not necessarily the sole domain of Trumpalos and I think a lot of you think because he's anti-vax he's pro-Trump. No, he's in the "little knowledge is a dangerous thing" so many "ruggedly independent" Americans become because of our deep anti-intellectual streak. Not white knighting for Rogan here, just the truth.
  17. Even white people hate white people. See how oppressed we are? We need a White People Appreciation Day.
  18. Ex nixed Evangeline for our girl...she would have been alright with Evie. I said, alright, we name her Evangeline, but you can call her Evie. Nope. I thought Maceo would have been a badass name for our boy but the ex thought it might be too "urban." My mom was gonna name me Geronimo, to go along with my middle name, which is pretty hippy on its own. I ended up the fourth with my first name in a row, hippy middle name, family name. (Which I found out via DNA is a 250-year-old lie, but that's another story.)
  19. Pretty sure I had a late case of Delta in December....Double Pfizer vaxed, no booster. EXTREME lethargy, cough, odd sore throat combined with cough -- it was like the infection was confined to the bottom of my throat and the tops of my lungs. Also all kinds of sinus mayhem. Never had much of a fever, but the shortness of breath was a bitch. I am still not 100 percent.
  20. Gotta say my awareness about this Siddiqi chick was raised, and I learned she is the definition of ride or die. Fuck al-Qaeda, but imagine if she was being interrogated about something you did and her answer to a room full of cops / soldiers was to shut up and lunge for the M4 somebody left lying around.
  21. Conroe and Magnolia are border country....east Texas and rural aggy land respectively. The Woodlands is as if you had a fleet of Haulage Aliens insert a poor man's Park City in the middle of nowhere. I would say one day it might become like a real Park City once it gets some history to it,, but I don't think it ever will. Almost nobody chooses to move there -- it's always their bosses' idea. And then they tend to enjoy their time there, and their kids love growing up there, but then cannot wait to get the fuck out and only come back on holidays. So it will always be in flux.... The sharp divide out there is reflected by Kingwood -- the Livable Forest of '80s McMansions -- and right next door is Porter, which might as well be Polk County....It has one of the better local resident insults -- just as the Austin area has Leanderthals, we have Porter Ricans, and they are not called that because they are Mezkin. They are called that just cuz.
  22. Yeah I think it is -- they come originally from the small Texas towns outside of the Metroplex -- Ennis, Terrell, Greenville, Kaufman, etc., and Oklahoma and spent the Aughts in ultralounges in shared Addison condos blowing several potential down payments on bottle service and leased shitty BMWs and now they are reaping the whirlwind living paycheck to paycheck in Prosper, trying to wring the last value out of their marketing degrees from Tarleton St and TAMU-Commerce.
  23. Houstonian who doesn't hate Dallas here....not even the Cowboys. I am old enough to remember a time when Texas solidarity trumped Dallas vs Houston shitflinging, though usually, I have to admit Houston picks the fights. And then Dallas acts like Houston never even crosses their mind, thereby pissing off Houstonians more, and blah blah blah. All of that is by way of saying this -- objectively, the outer rings of Dallas suburbs are full of some of the worst people in America. It's the ragged edge of the American dream where one blown out tire can send you from your McMansion back to the trailer park, so you've got all these undereducated and overly "Christian," terrified and angry white people doing terrified and angry and "Christian" white people things. Which is different from Houston in that we kind of go straight from solid middle class to trailer parks and Piney Woods hovels. We don't have that in between slot of Jenna Ryans to the point where she's a type down here. Thirty or 40 years ago we did but that kind seems to have fled the entire region since Houston got all hyperdiverse.
  24. My cousin is an addict -- Xanax and weed and God knows what else. He's from the north Atlanta suburbs which gave Plano in it's heroin epidemic days a run for its money or maybe even exceeded it back about ten years ago. He lost a half dozen friends before he was 20, and he spent most of HS as a baseball star, not a burnout in the druggy crowd. He's been in and out of sobriety ever since and he me a chick in rehab, they clicked, and, marvel of marvels, it worked. They'd been together a few years and both of them stayed clean through all that time. Like me he's kind of a space cadet, and she managed his life, and he is about to get out of juco and move on to real college, and then, she up and died the other day. Not drugs -- fucking congenital heart defect. Other than encouraging him to get to as many meetings as he can bear to attend, is there anything to be done to help my cousin? He's gone up from Atlanta to Long Island to grieve with her family.....I would suggest in six months to a year some kind of Outward Bound type vacation maybe. Fucking life, man.
  25. Eef Barzelay, one of the most slept-on songwriters alive, wrote a song about this and some almost matches your words verbatim. This is off a concept album (remember those?) about narcissism called Ghost of Fashion. Brilliant, brilliant record musically and lyrically. This one is specifically about stars not being to help themselves "share their problems with the world, for God and all his pretty girls."
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