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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. He's a bad fit not in that he's a Yankee but he's a stick up his ass Yankee dork.
  2. Given the identity of the victim, this seemed really odd.
  3. Yeah decades after settling in Vegas a branch of the Fertittas took over and bankrolled the UFC. That branch and Tilman's do not get along -- I think Tilman is jealous they had a decades long head start on him in Vegas. Details on it are hard to find now even in court records, but before Tilman got into restaurants he was a porn peddler and ran afoul of the obscenity laws back when those were enforced on occasion. He had one or more of those "newsstands" you used to see around town with a few magazines in a tiny front room that fed into a larger back room and an ocean of porn. In Houston, the Hollywood c-stores kind of put the newstands out of business simply by bringing the porn out right in the middle of the store -- that's the Dang family, same one that gave us TV Johnny of the famous ice grills.
  4. Campbell is no Fickell. ND will go hard at Fickell first. Is Campbell Catholic? Campbell is a very Protestant name.
  5. There really is no law that says Lane Kiffin has to be brought up in every single coaching search thread. I swear I've seen his name in every thread like this for the last five years, no matter what his current situation might be or have been at the time. It reminds me of this brief time in the 1990s when every movie trailer I saw named the big stars and closed with "....and Chazz Palmintieri." Dude was in everything for about six months.
  6. Eastern Orthodox Catholicism? WTF? This is pure Southern exurban magachurch eyes closed hands in the air to "praise music" Evangecalism
  7. More I think about it, this kinda sucks. If Riley gets USC up and running that partially negates one of the reasons we hired Sark -- recruiting inroads in SoCal. It's nice to see all these decommits from the gooner class right now, but I doubt we get a one of 'em. They are probably all following Riley to USC. Meanwhile, BlowU will turn its attention back more into Texas and get its usual allotment of traitors.
  8. He says grace and he says ma'am and if you ain't into that, he don't give a damn....
  9. Does blowU stay in-house again?
  10. I don't think they could afford his buyout and it's a marginal step-up that takes him out of Texas. I think his ultimate goals are first UT, then aggy, and then OU or LSU.
  11. Edited rant from a FB friend.....I thought it was worth preserving here, if only for "gullible coonskinners": Aggie football - this comment applies to much more than dumb, vainglorious Aggies. The NCAA must be abolished. College sports must be taxed and funds redistributed to education for all as long as the herd congregates in front of their boobtubes. The nonsense of a college coach getting $90 million to ‘coach’emup’ is a joke on taxpayers because coaches are defrauding the public thru use of state property. An Aggie coach can sucker a bunch of gullible coonskinners who wouldn't know a football from a holiday grapefruit but said coonskinners are making it through public ignorance and this giveaway has to end. There is no reason to expect that the Tx legislature will do anything but the legislature cannot continue to scuttle constitutionally-mandated public education thru grants to charter schools while giving another stinking, incompetent Aggie football coach $9 million per season for nothing. Put the golden calf in the back pasture. Get a life you dumb Aggies.
  12. aggy is not down. aggy is right where they always have been.
  13. I am probably nearly alone in this, but I like Saban as well as respect him. I was not upset by them winning at all, so this weekend was perfect for me.
  14. Tonight I drink deep of aggy and gooner tears
  15. LSU tomorrow: "After an exhaustive search during which all our candidates were taken off the board, and after long and sober reassessment, during which our two remaining long shot candidates choked, the Board of Regents of Louisiana State University have decided to stay the course and retain Coach Ed Orgeron. Laissez les bon temps roulez."
  16. Amen, and amen.
  17. OU WRs have been holding since the days of Bud Wilkinson....When we briefly had Norvell he taught our guys the secrets and that was a big part of Charlie's win over OU. It was glorious to behold.
  18. For a payoff....It just seems to always happen this way. AAC us subordinate to the NCAA.
  19. Refs will fuck Cincy to make it a no-brainer. It is The Way.
  20. Y'all are weird. I know some Bama fans like that re Auburn. I think even our own @RDCanecutter....IDK if Auburn fans return the favor though.
  21. LSU is gonna reverse course and hire him back lol
  22. I liked Gamorra the film....I don't think I've seen any of the series yet. You watch any of the ones set in Naples / Sicily more or less today? I also watched some really bleak show set in Ireland that was a combo of mob and the Irish version of The Wire or some shit. It had absolutely zero characters you cared about so it was just one asshole getting whacked after another so you didn't give a shit. Irish mob shit has been crazy the last 20 years -- there are these two kingpins who hide out in Spain and Dubai ordering all these killings over the Dublin smack trade.
  23. Fuckin' Tigah making Calzone look like Juanito Futbol
  24. Coming off the Dick Crum era, Mack wasn't walking into a total shitshow. His 1979-82 teams were the first UNC teams to go bowling four years in a row. They beat us in two of those years, once in the Sun and once in the Bluebonnet. Those were the Lawrence Taylor, Kelvin Bryant, Harris Barton, Reuben Davis, and Famous Amos Lawrence years. They'd become a .500 team by the time they canned Crum and brought in Mack, but by and large they were a program on the rise. Mack went 2-20 his first two years at UNC. No way he sticks around to his big 6-4-1 turnaround in his third year there if he'd laid those two rotten eggs in Austin. He got them to a 6-7 win plateau for a couple of years, then 8-9, and then that 10-win level he regarded as a success no matter what the fuck else happened. Kind of like a gifted student who settles for Bs because they are above average.... Point is, we don't know what Sark's ceiling is because he's not been given the same amount of time Mack was given to right the ship at UNC.
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