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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. Everybody loves Jones 'cause he's not like Manny and then he says something like this and y'all turn on him....Anthony Curl wasn't even as good as Acho, lol. Why do y'all not believe that we might have some racist-ass boosters trying to call the shots? We should be doing our best to cut them out of the program instead of shooting the messenger. Jeffrey McCulloch said basically the same thing on this site's podcast in the pre-season....He didn't explicitly say it was racial....But it was racial. He said there were some dudes who were going to play ahead of better players because....reasons. We are letting senile old farts run this program into the ground and blaming it on those who expose it will just keep us circling the drain forever.
  2. That said I think we will be worse next year based on this roster.
  3. We need to start thinking of 8-5 as a successful season. If Sark can get us back there and keep us there, then maybe we start thinking of changing cases if he seems incapable of more than that. 2022 -- the Drive to Mediocrity Begins!
  4. Kind of surprised Burger King period has lasted as long as it has. It doesn't really have some signature dish like McD's fries or egg McMuffin or JITB tacos or any real brand loyalty at all, really. Just seems like total inertia at this point.
  5. 50 cents for chips and salsa I see. Hard pass.
  6. I knew I was going to have to fight you for her.
  7. God, so many of our fans on the larger social media sites are so fucking dumb. I know, I know, I've been hearing from this same mouthbreathing rabble since I was riding in the backseat of my grandfather's giant Buick heading home from the Dome and listening to the postgame show circa 1979, but it just astonishes me how so many people just stay so dumb for so long.
  8. By "about $10" they mean $13 and then a tea is another $3.75 and add tax.
  9. Spurrier always suspected Vanderbilt way, way, way lowered their academic and character standards for Franklin, which would explain his "genius coach" reputation. Vandy quickly shelved that after that hideous rape scandal and now nobody can win there. Spurrier had been playing Vandy for decades by then all of a sudden they were pulling in real SEC athletes.
  10. In retrospect it's telling they make you pay up front and have prominent "NO REFUNDS" signs.
  11. Golden Corral reminds me of a story about Voltaire. His buddies talked him into attending an orgy, and the next day he said he'd had a wonderful time and learned many new things. So they told him about the next one and assumed he'd be all fired up to go. "Non mes amis," he said. "A man may attend an orgy once as a philosopher. Twice -- he becomes a pervert." I think I'd been to a Golden Corral in college, and just as with orgies, that can be written off as the folly of youth. Not so my last trip -- only a year or two back, I was in a motel on the Seawall with one adjacent, and I willed myself into trying it stone cold sober and in a town with many better options. It was time to learn a lesson. It was horrible. I am not superpicky and love competently prepared home cookin' but it was just terrible in every way. And it ain't cheap -- I was stunned I had to pay $20 for that hog slop. It did give me an idea for cooking show -- challenge the world's best chefs to assemble something edible from Golden Corral's steam tables and salad bar. So -- philosophy of a sort. But never again.
  12. It's easy to second guess coaches and say they should have fixed X in the portal last year or this year but when you look at specifics it's a lot murkier. There was no QB out there for Strong to take in year one of his regime. As for year 2, he and most of us thought Heard might be the guy and he had Buechele coming in and Ehlinger in the pipeline down the road. Heard was a bad gamble, but almost everybody thought it was the smart move not to pull his shirt in 2014. And now everybody is laying into Sark for not grabbing immediate help on the OL. Here is a list of OL who portaled after his hire. Lots of them ended up staying where they were, or quitting footnall. Another group portaled downward, like our own Reece Moore to ACU and Willie Tyler to ULM -- two of Herman's busts Sark rid us of. Very few portaled upward -- from a G5 to a P5 or from a shitty P5 to a better one. It's not like Sark had this vast array of talent he ignored. A few standout name: Jacob Gall wound up at Baylor and is listed as a starter. He was a one-year rental -- transfer from Buffalo and a Cincinnati HS product. OT Wanya Morris was second-string at blowU and has another year to go. He is a TN transfer from GA. LSU transfer Dare Rosenthal would have been a nice get -- he is now the starting LT at Kentucky. But look for yourself for other guys at the link.... Looks like Sark saw LB as far more of an area of concern and while none of these guys panned out, he was not wrong that our LBs suck. Sure wish there had been a Gary Johnson in there.
  13. Roller grill hot dogs are the bare minimum a town / village / hamlet must have if it is to be said to have a "dining scene." Hunt Bros is the next step up.
  14. New Bankston Knowledge Fight ep just dropped.
  15. But how are these signs that he sucks or that we have no QB? He's missed some open throws but our receivers have dropped more. It looks like he's learning to take gift 8-10 yard runs, finally.
  16. Y'all do realize he tied Colt's school record for TD passes in a game, right? (Which came against a shit Baylor team we beat 63-21.) This "well, he's a little better than the other guy" crap is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen on these boards.
  17. Jesus Christ this place is Crazytown. So Casey throws 6 TDs in a game and we all agree he sucks and is only a little bit better than Hudson fucking Card. Y'all know that tied Colt's all-time school record, right? Which came in a 63-21 win over a typically pre-Briles shit Baylor squad, so the competition was not much better, if at all. Thompson was much better after he took off the tape, and at some point they showed a graphic of his stats before the injury and after and it was night and day. Still, I am almost sure I heard Scipio say on EGAT that "we have no QB" which I guess is progress because now they are admitting their golden boy sucks.
  18. When we will ever learn? All these other schools hire dudes with resumes we scoff at and they turn around and kick our asses. We'll be seeing it again with Klieman in a couple of weeks. We'll be seeing it next year when Traylor kicks our ass. The best way forward long-term right now is allow Sark to build the program back to a level of respectable mediocrity, the way Mackovic did. He is fully capable of that, at the very least. Then reevaluate. As Townes van Zandt used to say, "Cheer up, y'all, it only gets worse." And next year will be worse. Rock bottom has yet to come. However if we allow these coaches to actually stick around for more than two years together, without demanding the heads of coordinators, we would start to see slow and incremental improvement. But we won't because WE'RE TEXAS. I mean -- how is that schools full of rich, not overly athletic white kids win state every year at the HS level? Because they've been in a system for three-five years by the time they hit HS, and then they get more of the same as frosh and on JV, albeit with better coaching and more of it. Executing plays is muscle memory, not hurr durr, Ash would have had me do this, but PK wants me to do this, and shit, he's behind me now and there's no safety help because he delayed a split second too. That's how you negate athleticism. The lack of continuity in this "program." Scare quotes because we are not a program anymore. We are a series of teams each removed from the last by some coaching overhaul. And I hate picking on Brockemeyer, but opposing coaches love it, and as a HS outside linebacker, I understand his role better than most on the field. Those options and sweeps that seem to always result in chunk plays are the direct result of that dude simply not being able to do what he needs to do. He can't get where he needs to be to disrupt those plays. And I dunno if we are playing him under the delusion that doing so will bring his talented bros back home, but at this point what we are doing to Luke is akin to abuse. Meanwhile, our other OLB has the same problem I did -- running around like my hair was on fire, overrunning the play more often than not. They are opposites but each ineffective in their own way.
  19. Obviously Leipold is a great football coach -- you don't go 108-8 at any level if you suck. But yeah, dawg, I am gonna say there is no way a UT coach survives a 2-10 year 2, as he did at Buffalo. The difference: "We're TEXAS!" against, "Meh. We're Buffalo. Let's see how this plays out."
  20. From looking at the names involved I am a little surprised at the knee-jerk, visceral hate most of y'all have for this project. I mean, I am not a fan of this proposed college's philosophy but I am a pinko, but to me, this is a whole gang of Never Trumpers ranging from neo-liberal to neo-con. I guess it's their focus on cancel culture and other right-wing hobgoblins, but to me this seems to fall in the category of moderate militants tinged a little with Islamophobia -- Weiss and Ayaan Ali Hirsi? I mean is it Islamophobia to crusade against female genital mutilation and forced marriages and some other of the excesses of fundamentalist Islam? (Christopher Hitchens was a huge fan; back in the day he had tons of fanboys on these boards.) The increasingly dotty Atlantic writer Caitlin Flanagan is no Republican or conservative. Larry Summers is the embodiment of neolib corporate Democrat-ism. Strossen is a liberal feminist former ACLU chief, and Rauch is best known for his crusades to bring about and preserve same sex marriage. WVU president E. Gordon Gee would be one of the most popular posters on his site...He is continually in hot water for talking smack about other schools' football teams. When he likened TCU's pre-Big 12 schedule to one that included "the Little Sisters of the Poor," Catholic grifters feigned being insulted and ginned up a scandal. In a realignment shuffle, Gee said Louisville and the SEC schools "should learn to read and write" before they worried about conference expansion. Again, pearlclutchers made this into a scandal, as they did when he said "Barry Alvarez thought Bret Bielema was a thug." And so on. The institution I see here is old-school moderate conservative / social libertarian -- which seems to be the majority orientation of the CR even today. Had they unveiled these plans 15 years ago it would have enchubbened the vast majority of the regular posters. Though it will be thoroughly pro-Israel, I didn't see and out and out war hawk among the bunch. I also did not see a single Hispanic among the entire bunch unless you count a Portuguese-American Lutheran pastor. Not even a token Cuban, but most prominent Cubans seem to be farther to the right than this bunch. In fact I would be very surprised if a vote among these eggheads would not come down on the side of ending the embargo. As to the idea that you just can't start a school from scratch, I offer up the school some of you seem to subconsciously likening this one to: Liberty University. I think it can be done if it is well-funded and united by an ideology with enough popular appeal. It seems UATX has both.
  21. Read his whinings vs refs year against year. Same style, same frequency. And his longing for us to lose Bijan is very much his style, too.
  22. In case you didn't know, he's back as Zeus and starting threads like this one: Hope Bijan Gets in the Portal Yeah, that would be cool for him, because that would mean his beloved Flawda Gators might have a shot at getting him. When not shitposting terrible OPs like that, he's whining about every close call in the Big 12 refs thread. Why does a Florida fan give a shit? And it's not just egregious fuck ups by the refs....he calls out everything. I truly believe he doesn't watch the ball carriers at all but instead scans the trenches and downfield blocking hoping to find a flubbed holding car. (That's where gets all his rep -- drunk fans hating on the zebras.) Dude, we know. Big 12 refs suck. But why exactly does it bother you so much? He's not a Russian troll but his tactics are very much like a certain class of them: just go spread despair and discontent while pretending to be on our side. (I think he might claim UT as his #2 team, but if you are going to do nothing but shitpost and stir up a pissed off fanbase you should be one of our own. I am at the point where I can laugh at our team's misfortunes, but Zavala / Zeus's next quality troll job will be his first. He's not funny. He's dumb. His takes are terrible. He's Gata, and he's gotta go, again.
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