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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. My dad had a neighbor like that in Nashville for years. He was about 30 and completely insane. His rich parents bought him a house because they didn't want him under their roof and they couldn't bear to put him in a home or whatever.... He'd always be out in his shed blaring AM talk radio....loved burning brush and leaf fires in his back yard...and then he'd go in his shed and scream incoherently at the radio...he never explicitly bothered my dad and stepmom but he was right next door separated from them only by some scraggly bushes that were more the suggestion of a boundary than actual barriers. (Nashville is not big on fences) It kept getting worse...one day dad came home and this guy was burning all his furniture in the front yard...not long after that he swerved in an unsuccessful attempt at running over a jogger and that was finally the straw that broke the camel's back....Parents took him away and sold the house, which has since been torn down and replaced by a McMansion lived in by Titans LT Taylor Lewan.
  2. Are we back yet?
  3. i thought it was going to be about how he owned or worse, worked at, a Halloween haunted house on some feeder road outside of Dallas. Glad to see it was not!
  4. Fucking pisses me off that he's 53 and now his age is working against him too. He'll get his shot but it'd be better if somebody'd seen fit to grab him out of high school five or ten years before they did.
  5. Good morning, Authentic Santeria music por los Cubanos, and nice music to wake up to, to boot. This is fo' real Cuban, not that Major League Jobu shit. I think it's called, "Astros 11, Braves 5," but sometimes my Cuban-Yoruba fails me. If we win, I will continue the ceremonies. s s
  6. Just pure bullshit and more of your emotional, womanly thinking, like "I don't like Emmanuel Acho, so that means he sucked as a player." Who among this shit Herman left behind besides Bijan looks like an NFL player to you?
  7. Sorry for partying.
  8. The Texans and DeShaun deserve each other. The worst-run professional franchise I've observed in 35 years of having a clue about how sports run as businesses, and an outlier at that. How they keep selling out is a testament to how many people want an excuse to get hammered on Sunday mornings.
  9. I am assuming things are not going well for Sterlin Gilbert because his name has not come up at all.
  10. I am not stumping for either of those guys. I am saying at some point we are going to have to bite the bullet and commit to a process like that or we will be stuck in second gear forever. Sark seems as good a choice as any, right now. Maybe not for all time, but I do believe he can at least get us back on the right track.... But we need to commit to at least four years and ideally five.
  11. Not saying that's bad at all -- I just have this idea the BMDs might think he's a hayseed. And he might be, but that does not mean he might not be a generational, legendary football coach. Shit there are still country lawyers out there who will aw shucks you with a smile on their face while they strip you of your wallet, belt, shoes, car, and watch. Traylor strikes me as that type.
  12. It's fine. Loading 'em in the first is like the threat of heavy rain....eventually it's gonna bust open. Framber needs a clean inning here. Big difference between 0-2 and 0-more.
  13. Uncle Dray's lil toadie
  14. Yeah, no. Coke does not own the ballpark. It is owned by the Houston - Harris County Sports Authoritah.
  15. While he is pulling above his weight class in Baton Rouge, I don't think Coach O would be too picky.
  16. Alonzo Mourning gif.... At some point this program needs to truly commit to a rebuild. Word needs to come down from on high that we are in a rebuild, that we are not back, and we are gonna give some coach a full FIVE YEARS to get it down just like it says in the contract. Okie State did that with Gundy and it looks like Clemson did it with Dabo. Right now we are on a trail blazed by Nebraska, Miami and Tennessee, USC, and now it looks like Florida State, which is bad, very bad. It doesn't invariably lead to perpetual mediocrity and there is every reason to believe that with our resources and local talent we can and will right the ship at some point, but it will not happen until we become a program again. We are not a program right now. We are a team. A program has eras. We have seasons. A program redshirts blue-chips, a program reloads, a program doesn't give a shit about players going early to the draft. We haven't been doing that for the past 15 years.
  17. I think some of our BMDs might think Traylor is too country to be our coach. Mack had the accent but he is more the small town country club type....Traylor is plain ol' bass boat country. We haven't had a coach like that since Royal.
  18. Wishful thinking if you want Traylor at UT....There's not a dime's worth of difference between East Texas and North Louisiana, and not a whole lot between Southeast Texas and Coonass country. Yeah I guess Coach O was a better "cultural fit" but not by much.
  19. Fucking timing, man. How many of us might have lost out on the love of our lives because one or the other of us was taken at the wrong time. Don't answer that publicly -- but consider this: Willie Nelson once said that "99 percent of the world's lovers are not with their first choice. That's what makes the jukeboxes play." I really worry that we are gonna miss out on Traylor messing around with second choices.
  20. Can we admit that maybe Charlie was a better talent evaluator that Herman? Think of the other guys that would be in the league he managed to get through three years at UT who were total stoners -- Holton Hill and that other dude -- and flamed out of the NFL for that reason. Given time, we were headed toward being DBU again, but that was not going to happen because of Charlie's other shortcomings and the roster he'd been left behind. It also bears repeating that the OL Charlie was left by Mack, after Espinosa went down in the first game of the season, makes this bunch of chucklefucks look like a Vincent Lombardi road grader unit. And the difference between Tyrone Swoopes and Casey Thompson is not small. I've had respected posters on this site tell me that having David Ash at QB would not have helped Charlie win 8 in his first year and maybe nine in his second. The recruiting would have been better than it was under Herman. I highly doubt there would have been a USF style implosion because of sheer talent. He probably would have been fired in year five or six for not winning conference or losing some games he should have won, but the program would not be in as bad a shape as it is right now, because he would have left a more talented roster behind for Sark to rebuild from. His track record at Louisville proves that. Y'all -- you still don't seem to get we are still digging out from the fucking smoking crater of a program Mack left behind. Look at who is in the NFL now. Look at who went to the NFL from Mack's last half dozen or so classes. Who on this roster seems destined for a long NFL career aside from Bijan? Nobody. We've been having to throw out raw and green DBs and OL for a decade now, and you can't win at an elite level with one of those against you, much less both. It's about talent evaluation first and foremost, scheming around that talent second, talent development third. And yes it's about stability of coaching so that the elite talent wants to sign with you, so you can scheme around it and develop and then win some fucking football games. Sark does not excite me too much, but I don't believe he is a fraud, either, and I do think he is capable of taking us back to a Mack-like level and if he finds another elite QB of VY-like stature, he is as capable of winning an NC as, um, Gene Chizik was, so long as he gets out of his way. His doctrinaire "I don't like running QBs" stance seems stubborn, though, especially at the college level.
  21. Tell me you haven't been hanging around this group for 20 years without saying so.
  22. Your an idoit what's wrong with america is people like you
  23. My other kinda tin foil hat theory is that we zeroed in on Herman for reasons beyond football. McRaven wanted to piss in Fertitta's corn flakes over the UT-Houston deal Fertitta spoiled by snatching away his shiny toy football coach. And it seemed like a good idea at the time to all concerned, if you wanted to see it that way. I can't remember a time when there was more excitement around the UH program than when Herman was there -- they drank the Kool-Aid too, and were legit pissed when we took him and dreaded how he was the guy who at last was going to bring us "back." New stadium, alums were going to games, that stupid Whoooooose House? shit. Herman had the balls to call all that out by demanding that more alums care harder.
  24. I kind of blame the lame Houston sports media. UH football is way, way down on their list, to be fair, but they very rarely called him out for the kind of immature, petty, narcissistic bullshit we came to know and revile him for and nobody stopped and said, hey, wait, he was gifted an all-world QB. The he recruited exactly one five-star recruit to UH and all of a sudden it was "OMG he's a stud recruiter" when all that really was was Ed Oliver's mama telling him he *would* be playing with his brother and that was that. He was terrible on his radio call-in shows but the hosts would never pin him down....One time one of them sort of did. He said "Coach, I hear you love that Houston hip-hop. Tell me your five favorite Houston rappers," and Herman was like "Well, Bun B, of course and that Slim Gangsta...Lil', um, Trip? and, uh Paul Wall of course...." and the host totally let him off the hook. Yes, the idiot "Houston boosters" are partially to blame but in a city with a real, functioning sports media there would have been at least one lengthy article at least putting it out there that all that glittered in that fake-ass grill was not gold. Calling my shot now -- some bad program will hire him again and he will fail even harder. He's a fucked-up human, like a lot of people in Urban Meyer's world.
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