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Everything posted by MaybeACoordinator

  1. Unless people like OP can point to some post of theirs predicting an undefeated NC season, this post is just idiotic. If this is not a 12-0 team, this would be where you would expect one of the Ls to come from. And if you predicted this team to win it all, you are also an idiot. To sum up, OP and his chicken little chorus are idiots. Sark is still dealing with the garbage program Mack left behind: shitty line play esp on offense but increasingly on d too. At least the combo of Strong and Herman fixed Mack's QB room disasters, but that is relatively easy when compared to having to find at least ten studs on OL. The elite programs put an o-lineman in the league every year. Over the last 15 or so years, we have put less than 1.5 guys in the league per decade.
  2. Rutherford is not a backwater TN county. It’s the home of MTSU and a few car plants and increasingly Nashville commuters. There is still a rural feel to parts of it and it’s a county or two north of where Nathan Bedford Forrest invented the Klan, but I’d liken it more to Wilco or Montgomery County than Deliverance country. so this a little bit but not a lot surprising. 35 years ago in Murfreesboro / Nashville this might not have made the news. Progress!
  3. Ex and I traveled Mexico by bus decades ago. We had about a 12 hour layover in Veracruz so I had the bright idea to get us a $3 hotel room so we could bang and maybe sleep. Believe it or not we did bang in that nasty room. She was a trooper back in the day...anyway I’d seen the communal bathroom in the hall earlier and was not about to piss in that wretched filth, so I decided to piss in the sink in our room. Which, it turned out was not connected to any pipes so I was just pissing in a bowl with a hole in it directing it straight to my feet.
  4. Yeah in peacetime he was Sabine / Neches pilot. He was a regular Navy vet from WW1 but not an officer. He served on a small ship with an experimental engine that was captained at one point by the young Chester Nimitz but if my g-grandfather served under him he seems not to have talked about it much.
  5. Very comparable to Gale Sayers... back b the day nobody questioned Gale’s spot but at some point it became all about career numbers and/or Super Bowl appearances.
  6. One thing I’ve always wondered about my great grandfather’s ship — who the fuck thought it was a good idea to name a warship Portent? Was Omen already taken? Jinx? Davy Jones?
  7. No offense taken and a salute to your grandfather.
  8. He and my dad both avoided Vietnam in the same building, where decades later my son took his oath of enlistment. long story about my dad. He didn’t refuse to go exactly but he got a 4F.
  9. That particular case was a turning point. The captain who swung was scapegoated and the Admiralty was divided on whether it was a capital offense anyway. but guess what? 280 years later tha Admiralty still won’t give him a pardon, though his heirs keep trying. laptop is in the shop so I’m not digging up the links for now.
  10. My great grandfather was captain of a minesweeper in WW2. His ship, the Portent, hit a mine and sank during the Anzio invasion. He survived but was laid up with burns and other injuries for a few months and even then some higher up was trying to drum him out of the navy during wartime for well, hitting a mine while sweeping mines during an invasion. I have these papers somewhere and eventually that assholes CO just ruled that the loss of the Portent was “an acceptable consequence arising from the hazards of naval warfare,” or something like that. He was given another command and life went on, and he returned from the war and went back to Beaumont, albeit as an alcoholic by that time. if you want to see some real old school overzealous prosecution of naval officers, check out the British Admiralty back in the 18th and 19th centuries. Not only was your career at stake, they hang your ass for such offenses as “not pressing an attack with sufficient zeal,” even if said attack would have been a suicide mission.
  11. ...I’ve never seen Dazed & Confused. ...I’ve never been to Big Bend. ...I’ve never been to the State Fair.
  12. a hungover Tony is accosted in his driveway by Jehovahs...he converts on the spot, and then takes the gospel to Satriales...
  13. I think it was wayyyy better than The Irishman, which everybody else seemed to love. I liked The Irishman, but in retrospect this was better.
  14. Thoughts on this thread about Many Saints of Newark? I seem to be in the minority who loved the shit out of it.
  15. Bunch of haters on this thread. I fucking loved it. It raised as many questions as it answered. How did Dickie go down in history as a hopeless drunk and addict? Who pulled the trigger on the hit? Sally was fucking awesome, with his exquisite taste in jazz and how he morally centered the whole thing, like that Jewish shrink Melfi passive aggressively sent Carm to go see. Great touch having the actress who played Livia look like Carm. Of course Tony is gonna marry his fucked up mom. Him trying to control her with Mother's Little Helpers. Idealism, or power? So many LOLs...Chrissy voicing over "Neil Young gave that speech from the Moon"...When Italian hottie moves in for the kill on Dickie and he's enraged, but only because his wife might see them, not giving a shit about Hollywood Dick... Callbacks / easter eggs: When Tony is lying there in bed, watching Newark burn a few blocks away, it's him in his coma, in that purgatory hotel, surrounded by California wildfires. "He doesn't have the makings of a varsity athlete." The foreshadowing of infant Chrissy freaking out at Tony's embrace...and the old lady saying Chrissy knows shit....Chase could make prequels doing back to the days of Ancient Rome and it would always be the Sopranos fucking over the Moltisantis. If you think that was meh or sucked, y'all need to find Jesus, in short.
  16. He was demonstrating the center snap. Nothing to see here.
  17. Smokin' Jay Cutler was such a great meme
  18. Did the world really wake up one day and say "People of the Earth, you need a Jay Cutler podcast or your lives will be meaningless"?
  19. No, he's not some paid operative either. I am not quite entirely convinced fozz and lmao are the same person, as fozz would rove the other boards too, and was very knowledgable about the UT program and cfb in general. You might not have agreed with his takes their either, but they were informed by knowledge of the sport.
  20. Correa contract: $25 million for first year, another $75 million over next 50 years, payable out of the Crane Foundation or whatever. Bonilla type deal. I wish such were possible.
  21. I forgot about the age difference, which is huge, but I was thinking there in terms of clubhouse leadership....I'd love to see him keep moving on up too but I would worry how many would come at our expense....
  22. Really really really good episode of Knowledge Fight, featuring Mark Bankston, lead attorney for the Sandy Hook families.
  23. Bill James has written about this and he thinks a lot of it has to do with the build of the player. Big and tall and/or brawny dudes fall off the cliff. Correa is tall but he's not stiff....I think he will level off and put up Ripken numbers in his mid and late 30s. Eventually he will be bumped to third. Personally I think at his best he is better than Ripken, but then again I think Cal was a wee bit overrated thanks to the streak. On the other hand, there is something to be said for the streak -- durability has not been Correa's strong suit until this year. Small guys like Altuve last a long time....Look at Joe Morgan's WAR numbers late in his career. Altuve might be productive until he's 43....And I could see Yuli hitting until he's 50 like Julio Franco. (Not predicting that, but I could see it.) Correa's bat will be the easiest thing to replace...Fielding and leadership the hardest. And that is not to slight his bat at all -- he is just so good in the field and as a leader.
  24. When we lost all those draft picks, I was hoping we would just go double down in Cuba. Finally someone in power in Houston sports listened to my brainwaves and did just that. I really love this organization. It's strange to say that about any Houston sports outfit....I guess i have followed about 125 seasons in basketball, football, and baseball with interest ranging from rabid fandom (Oilers, Astros, Hakeem's Rockets) to meh to absolute schadenfreude (Texans) and Crane's Astros are just in another galaxy.
  25. I would not sign Correa for more than six years. Come on y'all, are we learning nothing from the Angels? I fucking love Correa, and he is the heart of the team, but so was Springer, and we've managed to keep on keepin' on w/o George.
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