I am coming around to this idea that as long as certain people let you know that something is racist, and you should feel bad about it while they ride around the block in a victory lap on their high horse, they don't really care if the thing is done away with or not. Esp with something as broad-brush racist as the Eyes -- something that came out of a racist milieu but in itself is not actively racist by any understanding.
So now they've had a chance to preen and educate us on what simpletons the rest of us are, they have moved on to other targets, some more worthy, many probably less. This is what young hotheads do. And in time they mature and many mellow and learn to save their ire for actual issues of the sort discussed in cr.
And in truth the report it generated was fascinating, and the whole thing has served as a reminder, that yes, UT's past was very, very racist, but that does not mean you try to erase every aspect of it simply because it was born in those times.