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  1. I created my account today solely because this dirtbag is posting this crap. It's so embarrassing as a fan base to have people like him be associated with us.
  2. All the fans reacting with the "Fuck you" emoticon for this message. Go to church, you're all pathetic human beings and a drain on society. This world would be a better place without you scumbags. Sports shouldn't matter this much, go fix your lives.
  3. another morally bankrupt UT fan. Will you people please go support Baylor.
  4. its wife now, at the time in lubbock it was GF.
  5. Just stop digging your hole and learn when to log off the computer you boomer.
  6. He needs to be in jail. The hell you talking about "anger management". The man strangled his family member. Another morally questionable UT fan that cares more about sports than what really matters. Go be a Baylor fan, we have enough of you dirt bags.
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