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Partial Austinite

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  1. Because I think there is a possibility that she is at fault in this and that makes me an aggie? WTF?
  2. Do more research, there is evidence of that starting before they even got together in Lubbock.
  3. I read that report. Good possibility that Beard is guilty of some poor choices, with women and with not calling the police if she has done crazy shit before. Guess how I know? If she is bipolar then it would explain much. Remember the guy was sleeping in the guest room already so it sounds like he was trying to stay away from her. Also, If the call was made just after midnight and she said he had left the house and the arrest was not made until after 4 AM, again, sounds like he was trying to stay away from her. I am leaning towards the BSC theory.
  4. How do you know he didn't? As for the alleged bite marks, a crazy woman will do all sorts of unbelievable shit. They could be self-inflicted.
  5. Agreed, if that happened. There could be another explanation though. We'll have to wait and see what surfaces.
  6. I came across this Lubbock forum that mentions that she might have issues. https://247sports.com/college/texas-tech/Board/102952/Contents/That-other-guys-welcome-to-whornville-163694846/
  7. I'm not an attorney but, as I understand it, though Texas does not have a "mandatory arrest" policy, many jurisidictions follow that guidance. I believe that APD does follow that.
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