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Everything posted by MinerProphet

  1. He's like the Kirk Cousins of Finance. Bet on himself and he did it and will be well off for life. Not a lot of folks could do that, I would guess.
  2. A shoo-in for the Presidential Full Ride Scholarship to A&M, I see.
  3. I figured this is the thread to hear the Telegram discussion. What do we collectively think? Seems like it's kinda b.s. to arrest the owner of a software platform. It would be like arresting Zuck for the crap people post on facebook.
  4. I wonder if she would start crying. It's weird to see in sports, but also not weird with females playing sports, but I'm just so confused still.
  5. I mean, it was very weird. I thought it was interesting and risky to try and make it a musical and to try and stay somewhat true to the comic book character. But my wife thought it was horrible and questioned why we didn't cut it off halfway through. This was Robin Williams breaking his pigeonholing before 1 hour photo, which is widely seen as his first departure from comedy wholesomeness, and I am wondering if he was a relative unknown in 1980 as it was only his second movie appearance after his debut in 1977.
  6. MinerProphet

    Post Malone

    I haven't but I think reviews are out and they are...not great, Bob!
  7. Read a lot of different source material on Intel this week as it's interesting if nothing else. To paraphrase, from what I can gather, any evaluation of Intel will have to be a long term one. The horrible results from this week should be viewed in the context of decisions made 5~10 years ago, and an appreciation that decisions made more recently won’t pay off for several more years to come. The real measure of Gelsinger’s leadership in particular will come with 16A: that is the node that Intel is betting the company on. That’s when internal chip production should come home, when Intel will finally have a leading or near-leading process operating at volume, and when the question of whether or not the company can actually earn 3rd-party business will be finally be answered. So, idk, let's see.
  8. And here I thought we were all on the same page that Taxation is Theft. I need to get out more.
  9. Just watched for the first time a movie probably nobody has seen or maybe only seen once: Popeye (1980). Shelley Duvall - Perfect spot on casting for Olive Oyl. It's creepy how perfect it is. Robin Williams - Popeye. I truly can't decide if it was also perfect casting or if it was horrible. I wonder if it was just truly impossible to cast Popeye. But then I saw The Rock is going to play Popeye in a reboot next year.
  10. The deferred and delayed gratification of being super comfortable into old age is cool, though. But yes, I couldn't afford to provide the kind of life and lifestyle desired for the family with topping out at 120k (assuming that's even with OT), so that's why this is so hard. I guess you can't escape the trade-offs and have it both ways.
  11. This is fantastic information. Question-- how would it work if you are a lecturer or educator but also had an industry job, as you sometimes see in higher education?
  12. Any university professors on here that can chime in? My now deceased grandfather was a professor at a 4 year university in Texas retired in his late 60’s I would guess, but he got a cool $57,500 a year for the rest of his life from a mix of pension and textbook royalties he helped write that was used in their curriculum. That seems like a nice last act job— I have a terminal degree or two so maybe I could teach if I started as an adjunct now?
  13. Thanks for this. This is too hard and too grindy for my age and disposition these days. Maybe if I were a fresher like you were, it would make sense, but I'm specifically looking at this from this lens: I make decent to good money in the private sector as an at will employee in the free market capitalist marketplace we have. This means I put back 8% to a 401k and just generally churn out 200 to 250k in good years of W2 earnings. What I'd like to do for the back half of my career, as I turn 40 next year, is to pivot. Maybe I don' make 2-250k but can make $150k with a pension plan and spend the next 20 years in a state of career brumation- not overly ambitious or hungry or high energy but also not completely useless and quiet quitting, just some nice inbetween of a 40 hour week, little to no travel, and after 20 years have a nice pension to rely on. Knowing all that plus my age, what we know isnt a realistic option is military, police, fire, Big 4 work. That leaves railroads, O&G (maybe, some are saying that's a no these days), teaching (maybe at the college level?) and government work? Any other industries (broad) or specific jobs we can think of?
  14. Is Chenedy Carter pronounced Kennedy with the ch being a clever spin on the traditional name, or Chinedey, like an Asian name Chen? It dawned on me today that I’ve potentiallysaid it in my head wrong when reading it the last few weeks she’s been relevant.
  15. Surely we have some Big 4 partners who can clarify firsthand for us all?
  16. Speaking of police and pensions: Police: Dallas police, fire officials are the city’s top earners, but new programs could cut OT. Officials say they hope to boost recruitment and retention efforts to cut down on needing millions more than planned on overtime. Pensions: Dallas pension investments have taken a hit. But the fund says that’s not the whole story. Dallas police and fire pension system says investments will show better returns in 2026 https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2024/08/21/dallas-pension-investments-have-taken-a-hit-but-the-fund-says-thats-not-the-whole-story/
  17. You quoted the wrong dude, dude
  18. My neighbor is a retired cop and this checks out. He’s been “contracting” on the side as well for some computer forensics stuff and says he can’t quit doing it because the money is too good and it’s easy. I think I’d need the Time Machine to go back and be a cop— don’t think many municipalities want to hire an older man just like how military has age caps.
  19. Tell me more about this. From what I understand secondhand, making partner at a Big 4 for example, it only really makes a lot of sense if you do it pre-40 years old because you are having to finance a million (or more) bucks to become a shareholder and it takes years of carry to pay that off until you are in the positive?
  20. As the thread title suggests, I am curious about what careers and job opportunities are available that, in the year of our Lord 2024, still offer retirement pensions (defined benefit plan). I had heard some railroads did and maybe O&G firms still do? Teachers of course (and police officers and firefighters), but I would be wanting to make probably an order of magnitude more than any entry or mid-level teacher, cop or fire fighter so those are probably out. Anyone have any honey holes or experiences or first hand knowledge? In the absence of that, anyone have any interesting shower thoughts?
  21. My son is gonna love this.
  22. Re-reading Hunter S. Thompson's "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved". It dawned on me while reading David Foster Wallace's "Consider the Lobster" that he was Gen X's flavor and version of the gonzo like the former, and I hadn't read it in a while.
  23. I have also been meaning to re-read 100 years, it's on my desk collecting dust. I re-read 1984 back during Trump's first term around 2016-2017 and thought it was just okay. When I was a teenager I thought it was amazing. Like Clockwork Orange amazing.
  24. Train Dreams was.....interesting. This was the one with F-head right? I could be confusing it with other DJ, though I never read tree of smoke but thought Largesse of the Sea Maiden (I think is the title) was awesome and he didn't lose much off his fastball.
  25. I just bought this book and looking forward to reading it and making a judgment for myself.
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