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  1. Why in the fuck would we ever hire Brett Bielema? I mean its alwas possible for Sark to leave but we aren't desperate. And yeah, locking in a now proven coach, isn't exactly a bad thing... Giving a coach a 100 million who had proven himself a dumpster fire, with no out clause... That would be stupid.
  2. Sending my wife (Michigan grad) and son to the game tonight. Prices seemed to have bottomed out around Saturday and have risen since. I bought the tickets today and felt every ounce of pain of us missing out on this game.
  3. Lt. Caffey was a fucking bitch...
  4. Your point? Didnt say they didn't...
  5. Eh... good story but bullshit.. as someone stated earlier 99 is the highest score possible.. i should know. Did meps in San Antonio after my first year as a ME student at UT. I had no more money for school and signed up for the USMCR for money to pay for school... retook the ASVAB as it had been more than 2 years since I had last took it and had to "requalify" anyways took the test and thought nothing of it. We got our test scores and we're standing in line to meet with the 1st Sgr to see if we qualified to join the Corps. I was standing in line with some fellow recruits and they were talking about their scores. I think 20 might have been the minimum at the time... not entirely sure.... it was low... anyways the guys were going over their scores and were celebrating mid 20 scores. The guy in front of me got something in the mid 50s and they were amazed how fucking smart cornbread was. You fucking genius holmes! They looked at me and asked what did you get. I looked down at my score and was like 56... God damn! dude you fuckin smart.... didnt think much of it after that.... then i got to the front of the line, 1st sgt takes the piece of paper out of my hands... looks at score... looks at me... looks at score....NINETY-FUCKING-NINE!.. looks back at me and screams the LINE FOR THE AIR FORCE IS OVER THERE!... Which is kind of ironic because about 3 years later I was commissioned by the USAF... i know... csb.
  6. I love this site... This is coming from a guy that is probably further on the right than most aggies. I didn't come here for politics, there are 1000's of sites for that. Im old enough to know that people have different points of views based on how they were raised and our life experiences. As an adult...[sort of] I can have a rational conversation with most anyone despite our different beliefs. That said, thank you for all the effort you have done to keep this place going. Please feel free to neg... don't give two shits what yall think and while I maybe more right of center than most I dont give a fuck what consenting adults do with each other. Thats their prerogative and none of my fucking business. Peace and Hook em.
  7. I applaud Sarks ability to recruit a class that fits our needs. Rankings dont matter much to me if it doesnt fill the holes in the lineup. I think the class is about as solid as you could get. Fuck them brakes.
  8. Dear sweet baby Jesus, please make this true.
  9. Makes sense unless your whole team is portaling and you want to show them that you are better than the previous coach to try and retain a few of them.... Would be a good way to gain some momentum going into spring also. But yeah, its a cluster fuck and I wouldn't want that shit stain of a team on my resume, so I can't blame elko.
  10. Isn't Elko working there full time now? Why the hell can't he coach the game with the fill in OC? Is there some rule he can't coach till next season that I don't know about?
  11. Moff Gideon
  12. Who here hasn't done the ole walk out of the dealership tactic. Sir, I've talked to the manager and we were able to come to terms... Now do you want an extended warranty with that bag?!..
  13. If you are the starting RB at Texas they do...
  14. Fitting end. Fucking sack
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