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Everything posted by MAGS®

  1. Lincoln Riley gives out black liquorice at Halloween...
  2. Lincoln Riley watches The real housewives...all of them..
  3. Lincoln Riley wears a mask while driving and alone....
  4. CJK5H Should be there for the pirates victory over aggy...
  5. I don't come down here often, so I must of missed the memo. Sorry...
  6. ??? I recall reading here somewhere that she ran for Austin City council, but she actually won?
  7. Yeah and the bitching would be about how bad our previous coaching fucked the talent on this team.....
  8. So.... How many National Championships do we get to add to our stadium's wall when we move to the SEC???
  9. Apparently sark didnt read his welcome to Texas letter/ things you should know... no fucking stoops was bullet point A
  10. Nobody flipped the bus but we were on top of it. Drag was full.
  11. I recall the ladies at the bar with Simms to all be 10's back then. Doesn't mean he wasn't a prick, but the women he was with weren't lacking in looks.
  12. I had the pleasure of serving both of them as a bartender while in college. Applewhite was class, Simms was a rich little douche bag. That is my only input into the matter...
  13. My great great grandparents stole a total of 80 acres from native Americans... they then passed the land down generation after generation till my grandfather sold it when i was a kid... my mother and father were both raised in bfe oklahoma. (Dad was a osu grad thank god) All my uncles however are sooner goobers.... I spent my summers in Ok working harvest and dealing with okies on a reg. Point being, my ancestry (yes i hate my sooner souless blood), my parents and grandparents all had me watching Oklahoma football growing up....guess what, I made a free will choice to choose wisely and not support that school.... Editors note: i was born in Texas and raised in Texas, (my parents were smart enough to escape) I disavowed my heritage long ago. I still bear the sins of my ancestors ..
  14. Im married to a Michigan grad and she said the only fucking goal should be to beat ohio state....
  15. Okay i'm sold... Had me at Eyes of Texas. Now lets go win.
  16. Did saban just.pick his nose and then eat the booger?
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