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gofuckyourself last won the day on October 12

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  1. I made the mistake of going to a Target this afternoon as a favor to the wife. Chaos. And apparently the olds are out for the first time since Covid and/or 1958. They don't know that gift cards are always at the front registers, and so no, ma'am, your husband doesn't have to leave the line to wander off and look for them just as the cashier is ready to ring up the goods. "Jim. Jim! JIM! THEY HAVE SOME UP HERE!" I would've used self-checkout, but that line ended somewhere by the North Pole. Hallelujah, holy shit. Where's the Tylenol?
  2. And making epic catches in the end zone against the moron goobers.
  3. First you trash A Christmas Story and now Jerry Maguire? Can't wait for your takes on It's A Wonderful Life and Shawshank Redemption, you soulless beast. But yeah I do agree on Jerry Maguire. It was garbage.
  4. Blasphemy. Someone needs some Lifebuoy soap.
  5. I don't see "what the fuck was that" girl. Doomed.
  6. In a few weeks: "For just $23,975 you can pay Tesla to put a Foundation Series badge on your Cybertruck. 'Free' CyberTent included!" The cybercucks will be lining up.
  7. I lived in Jester but honestly don't remember. 151 is a helluva drug. I'm sure they did. I think freshman year I drove the 90 minutes to go home. Probably...had to of... Did I mention drinking is bad, mmmkay?
  8. But also a dude killed a whole town because the law just wouldn't let him be. And that man's name was... you guessed it. Frank Sta... no wait... John Rambo.
  9. The whole "The world is a sphere" dialogue seemed a bit absurd. But I'm guessing at some point the drugs mentioned earlier that wipe out memories were used on the entire populace so that full generations of knowledge were lost, and then the whole Pact and folklore and mass "re-education" were instituted. Maybe that's all already obvious but I don't always pay close attention to each episode. Regardless, it's still entertaining and I'm enjoying the show.
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