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Everything posted by gofuckyourself

  1. But outie Dylan has to agree, which even though he threatened it I don't think he will because he basically can't get work outside of Lumon. Those doors are shut, literally.
  2. Start the Wives and the Dumb Shit They Buy/Borrow/Steal thread Or if you're unmarried, you're getting screwed on the various dead relative inheritances.
  3. This is a bit I assume. 8 Final Fours, 10 EEs and a bajillion sweet sixteens. At a school that wasn't exactly hot shit outside of Magic. Yeah, Izzo is clearly a fraud. Good call Barry.
  4. Weather today is perfect. Enjoy it while it lasts! Wife cooked up a great breakfast and we ate outside.
  5. Wasn't alcohol, but allegedly other types of "central nervous system depressants" https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/austin-crash-i35-driver-failed-sobriety-test-drugs-responsible-affidavit-solomun-araya/269-b2ae3db3-87ee-4b14-8e9c-a0bc562d79dc According to police, Araya showed signs of intoxication following the crash. The affidavit states Araya had bloodshot and watery eyes, mumbled speech and swayed while walking and turning, consistent with signs of central nervous system depressants. A preliminary breathalyzer exam showed Araya had a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.00, however, Araya still showed "all six" signs of intoxication and failed a field sobriety exam.
  6. What about non-children? Any gofuckyourself mentions?
  7. Did the players attend those? If so, was punching Laettner extra?
  8. Lanier went apeshit and Tre has 5 points. Just reverse that for the 2nd half and ol' lip-lickin' Barnes will be right where we want him.
  9. Tre's going to have to also get very hot. ...And probably shoot more than 2 shots this half.
  10. We're beating everyone except Lanier 10-2!
  11. Where "ish" is derived from the Latin meaning "playing aggy", and adds about 55% Today's line sadly seems about right. But I would never bet against Rodney "The Tournament Terror" Terry.
  12. The 100 year decision set to be a 15 year one? ... Until the conferences change again and we kick them out of the sandbox again, and it becomes a 7 year one, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... "Today Texas A&M has decided to shut down all athletic programs. 'We will however continue our proud judging programs,' said new Texas A&M University President Meat Pimp."
  13. Just like we all predicted, keep rolling on and play Beard and Ole Miss in the semifinals.
  14. @ztejas Start the "Rodney Terry Last, Last, Last Stand: This Time For Realz?" thread
  15. Little brother. Always and forever.
  16. Fuck RT and his abysmal-ball but fuck aggy more. Win this bitch.
  17. I won't Debbie Downer what's actually in air "fresheners" but ... well too late. Delete user, ban from thread. To make up for that, I'll pass on "Feels good to help" story: I was at an Austin burger joint a few weeks back when a rather "salt of the earth" family in front of me created chaos by breaking the soda fountain dispenser. As in, it would not turn off and the Dr. Pepper was flowing non-stop. Luckily the place had a large spill trough, but that was filling up at an alarming rate. The bewildered hillbillies couldn't stop it, and the maybe 20-year-old employee who decided to try was way over his head, just running around back and forth like Frogger. I've never worked in the food industry, but while everyone else sat on their hands (or panicked) I quickly Googled "how to shut off a soda fountain" First video showed how to remove the facade, twist some white knobs in there and, voila. I showed that to Frogger. Got my burger and walked out without a word afterwards. It doesn't take much to help someone out sometimes.
  18. Yeah, 3 isn't even officially greenlit, but creative development has already started. And Apple would be idiotic to not do so.
  19. So it turns out eating those 3 boxes of Samoa...sorry, Caramel deLites, per day is probably bad for you. https://www.reuters.com/legal/girl-scouts-sued-over-alleged-heavy-metals-pesticides-cookies-2025-03-11/ "She said she would not have bought the cookies or 'would have paid substantially less' had Girl Scouts disclosed the presence of 'dangerous toxins.'" Thank you for disclosing these cookies may hospitalize me. I'd like 25% off please.
  20. FADE UP INT MILCHICK'S OFFICE Dylan, Helly, Mark and Gemma are sitting in a row across from Milchick. They are clearly nervous. Milchick's cold gaze does not leave them as he slowly opens his desk top drawer. He pulls something out, then slams it with a bang. The workers jump. "I trust you will find this appropriate in remedying the myriad discomforts you've experienced here at Lumon." Mark eyes Milkshake warily. Helly glances at the others as Milkshake continues. "It's your severance package, of course." He pauses, hand still outstretched, then turns and gives a sly wink at the camera. The five of them burst out laughing together. FADE OUT
  21. Even a sad sack Mavs team can't deny the tank. Man I hope we have a decent coach next year.
  22. Damn. Missed my chance to buy one. Looks like they pulled them down already.
  23. Especially the AL West. Tits, ass and anal. Mariners fans are feeling left out of the good times.
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