I won't Debbie Downer what's actually in air "fresheners" but ... well too late. Delete user, ban from thread.
To make up for that, I'll pass on "Feels good to help" story:
I was at an Austin burger joint a few weeks back when a rather "salt of the earth" family in front of me created chaos by breaking the soda fountain dispenser.
As in, it would not turn off and the Dr. Pepper was flowing non-stop. Luckily the place had a large spill trough, but that was filling up at an alarming rate.
The bewildered hillbillies couldn't stop it, and the maybe 20-year-old employee who decided to try was way over his head, just running around back and forth like Frogger.
I've never worked in the food industry, but while everyone else sat on their hands (or panicked) I quickly Googled "how to shut off a soda fountain"
First video showed how to remove the facade, twist some white knobs in there and, voila.
I showed that to Frogger.
Got my burger and walked out without a word afterwards.
It doesn't take much to help someone out sometimes.