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Everything posted by gofuckyourself

  1. Thought Ornelas would bare hand that weak Springer shit. I miss Beltre. And now Latz. Hold on.
  2. Loved seeing Parker carry it. But where the hell was Diaw? Sacre bleu!
  3. I had to look it up even as a Spurs fan and just see that again. Casuals who say the Spurs weren't a dynasty because they didn't win back-to-back titles or whatever ignore the impossibility of this sustained excellence.
  4. @Nuge This is amazing. I have boring practical questions: 1) Parking? I assume all on the street and you've just given all the neighbors a heads up? 2) Equipment? Do all the musicians bring their own and you just supply power? No issues with power needs or extra juice needed? But this is bad-ass and love that you're supporting local artists and a neighborhood get-together type of thing.
  5. And the University Baptist Church there at the end in the background. Also two Buffalo nickels to whoever can spot armybrat in that pic.
  6. FuckKawhiLeonard in front of nearly anyone is a joke, other than "Most Valueless Malingerers" But that they put him in front of Manu "Wins Shit-Tons of Games and Kills Bats With His Bare Hands" Ginobili is an affront to anyone who loves watching basketball, or dudes swatting bats.
  7. I don't know who the "Lae's" are Or "BTO" But I know this is the dumbest looking shit I've seen today, this week, or this month. So congrats on that.
  8. Don't care if it's against the putrid White Sox. A sweep was badly needed.
  9. Uh, what? Who watched Severance, Silo or Presumed Innocent and thought "I really should get an iPhone"? Those are three of my favorite series the last couple years and that thought didn't come close to crossing my mind.
  10. They need to use the FuckKawhiLeonard version
  11. Libraries are quiet places where one can take in knowledge and discover new worlds. So naturally authoritarians and terrified imbeciles are making them battle grounds and attacking the real threats in our society -- librarians. Happened in Llano also. Other places I'm sure since it's happening most in Florida and Texas. Yee-haw. Pen America is a great source of info on the increasing censorship trend. https://pen.org/
  12. I say we squirt 'em all with water guns. Or maybe even geysers.
  13. Apparently Snoop Dogg will be traveling around Paris for NBC/Peacock. Should be highly entertaining if Tokyo was any indication:
  14. Damn right we will. 4-3 win incoming.
  15. And the Astros having some.issues with the As this evening. Go As and Ron Washingtons.
  16. I've got a huge mass your mom can take from the south. Or something. Either way, it's wet down here. Real wet.
  17. Wasn't a blown save. Tied in the 9th.
  18. Let's go Langford. Add to the ROY campaign.
  19. Hernandez. Nice. Win this shit.
  20. Fucking zombies. Hate this shit Unless we win.
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