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Everything posted by gofuckyourself

  1. It's a cyber-android clone of Wooden with a Krzyzewski AI upgrade.
  2. Yep. I made it a couple minutes beyond that and it somehow got even dumber. Probably one of the most extreme examples of a pretty good first 30 minutes or so of a movie to then turn into total garbage.
  3. Losing to the Pelicans. Bring it on home boys.
  4. Yeah but he probably had a beer after the game, so you have to kick that to the curb.
  5. Nope. They were intentionally awful, and hilarious. The correct answer from this show is Rashida Jones. Not a single laugh, ever.
  6. Catch of the year in all MLB. Favorite Jank was Game 4 of the WS. Stepped in for red hot Adolis and went 2-4, 2 RBI 2 runs.
  7. 5-7 days out for Wyatt. My non-existent medical expertise says sit him at least two weeks and let's not screw around.
  8. Amongst the general population? ... or this site ...
  9. Is it time to start counting the bitchass posters?
  10. If I gave a 5 year old a a generic Hanes t-shirt and a pair of middle-school coach shorts, and then a sheet of large stickers with various numbers, letters, stripes and sports brand symbols to place on them, they'd come up with something better than this. Also, why aren't the shoes tied? Dumb question I know. Aggies can't tie their shoes.
  11. Mark S? More like MACK amirite. He's got game. Innie - Outie ... and Innie - Outie again, ifyaknowhatimean. Ok I'm done. Yes I'm childish. Other than that, yeah, ol' Burt ain't all he seems and the "20 years ago" thing is interesting. Very curious about Burt's actual history and connections. Also I miss Selvig/Cobel this season. She added such a layer of unpredictable malevolence. Hope they bring her back.
  12. Suuuuucks. I was wondering why tickets to the two Austin games were cheaper when I just checked. Ok, so we tank, get another patented Spurs leap to #1 and return next year with Pop/Wemby/Fox/Castle/Flagg and win it all as Pop retires. Easy peasy.
  13. Biggest offender I see of the constantly watering point are new constructions where the builder runs sprinklers four times a week for an hour each time, regardless of the precipitation that week. Our previous neighborhood was a Perry Homes new build, and in a very small neighborhood there were at least 10 houses watering all the time. They also ignored the drought water restrictions days and times.
  14. So bottom line, I should have won that $500 million last year like the astrologer said I would, right?
  15. I'll sell y'all some of my advanced freeze protector kits. Only $19.95 Couple feet of foam pipe insulation. Old rags from the garage with tape for the extraneous parts and bibs. Call it tactical foam if you'd like. But that may bump the price up to around $29.95 or even thirty-three fiddy.
  16. Pffft. You actually had clothes on? I polar bear'ed (bare'd) it on my 5 am, 2 mile naked morning jog through the neighborhood. Also carried a water bottle, not for hydration, but to pour over myself every few hundred yards. Barely got chilly.
  17. Right. I forgot about the internet requirement, we set ours up so long ago. Can't complain there either. It's been consistent.
  18. We use Spectrum mobile and have had zero problems. I believe they use Verizon. $30/mo unlimited.
  19. Popovich reported at Spurs practice and driving himself around. Good shit. Now hopefully he can drive some points home to Mitch on how to manage the roster and rotations for the 2nd half. Anyone else here besides @ztejas going to the Austin games? I may get out to the Pistons one. Last in person game was about 4 years ago.
  20. It's snowin' out here around South Congress. If I don't make it, I give permission to cannibalize my remains. First come first served.
  21. Two. Though the first trip is actually the wife/girlfriend or butler to determine and report back.
  22. summer winter is hockey
  23. buncha carpetbaggers anyway ...back to bbq, probably already mentioned but Vidal of Valentina's infamy opened a food truck in Manchaca and the reviews are ... not good. Not necessarily because of the food but ex-employees (or friends of) are following him.
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