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Everything posted by gofuckyourself

  1. Damn. Give him credit for laying out for that. I think the spot was generous.
  2. I wish we had Indiana's offense. 15 points might win the game.
  3. "Not out of it" "hanging in there" Announcers acting like this is UTSA vs Ohio State. Yeah no shit assholes, it's 7-0 2nd quarter. Now maybe our offense can go over 100 yards.
  4. Even grabbing him to slow him down the pass was still thrown behind Wingo.
  5. Hill "blitzed" but basically half-assed it once he got stopped. That opened the middle.
  6. No holding there. Nope. Norton decided to turn nearly backwards.
  7. Three times Ewers. Get rid of the fucking ball. This isn't fucking Colorado State. You don't have time.
  8. Hate how this 1st quarter has gone. We're getting out physicaled and out play called.
  9. Just no pressure. Always someone open when we're that far off. This D game plan isn't working.
  10. Such minimal ability to extend a play. If it's not there in the first 2.5 seconds we're fucked.
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