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Everything posted by gofuckyourself

  1. Who was streaking to the corner? Looked open but maybe that was after the throw.
  2. Need this 3rd conversion. Run it again. That one pushed them back.
  3. Grab a free 7 day Sling trial Or pay $20 for first month. Worth it to watch us destroy.
  4. Now we're combining a ZTejas "Get in the motherfucker!" thread with a South "Mother who Fucks" Austin Texas Fight thread? We're either doomed or destined to win the whole damn thing in curb-stompery fashion.
  5. Aggy's first game losing to ND and Texas' last game to beat ND and win the national championship would be amazing. Please make it so.
  6. Negged for not having a pause or slow-mo button.
  7. These teams suck. Man Texas needs to win tomorrow.
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