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Evil Bill Obrien

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Everything posted by Evil Bill Obrien

  1. It means whoever said it is a retard who hopefully will be removed from the reproduction/gene pool come next pandemic
  2. He’s the one who brought the dog into everything to try and distract everyone from how big a prick he is…
  3. Didn’t notice it at first but Herbie totally used his dog as a meat shield and then when it died just slotted in the next dog like it was the next pair of socks to be worn…what a fucking asshole
  4. For real, like at least try a little harder with your choice of strawman @Balcones
  5. Well we are just assuming @Balcones isn’t underage because otherwise yeah looks Ike Gaetz might fuck em… Not to cross the streams to much but read about all the female supporters in court for Luigi Mangiones arraignment… Balcones gonna do the same for Gaetz if/when he sees the inside if a court room?
  6. It gets even better: Chevy Colorado was lifted with big tires and the person driving was very clearly smoking weed
  7. I mean I saw this badge affixed to someone’s jacked up Chevy Colorado in Sarasota Florida yesterday so I know MAGA broke brains truly have no bottom…
  8. Whelp maybe we won’t be seeing Senator or Florida Governor Gaetz after all …tho I have been in FL for the last few days and based of general observations he might still be fairly electable here…
  9. Dumbass farmers just need to go learn how to code and stop asking for the government to hand them everything
  10. Do we get cool grey uniforms and get to go into space and kill bugs? if not then yeah probably gonna be a no from me dawg… Especially if there’s no Carmen or Dizzy or full coed showers for absolutely no logical reason…
  11. Great story, 10/10 will read again next year and still get a pretty good laugh
  12. We are totally fucked if it does tho, bunch of broke brain mother fuckers who won’t wash their hands, cover their mouths when they cough or maybe stay the hell home if they are sick gonna spread it like wildfire…
  13. It would be funnier if it wasn't so concerning that we have elected dipshits like this all over the country...
  14. Wish this was the case, but when almost 1/2 of Americans can't afford a $1000 emergency I really don't know about the "work be dammed" part... Please don't give Greg Abbott any fucking ideas... Dipshit Trumper friend already spewing stuff in our group chat about the shooter supposedly being trans based off one photo that may or may not even be the shooter and that explains it all somehow... never mind how they got a hold of a firearm in the first place...whistling right past that graveyard full of children...
  15. "Thank god it was just some kids and all the CEO's in Madison are safe and secure..." -Lt Gov. Dan Patrick
  16. The Battle of Los Angeles February 1942 would like a word… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Los_Angeles#
  17. In my defense I said kinda important, but yeah when someone who will be President in a few weeks is talking about trying to disregard the Constitution prob need to see it even if its allegedly dementia induced verbal diarrhea
  18. I mean it seems like either Trump doesn't know that or doesn't care...still think its kinda important to have that news out there and not just ignore it...
  19. You did this yourself Mitch, Franklin the Turtle lookin mother fucker. Hope he has to watch someone he actually cares about catch the Polio before he croaks knowing it was 100% preventable and 100% his fault
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