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Josef Pwag

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Everything posted by Josef Pwag

  1. I've been to the FAU campus. It is surprisingly nice. 5 minutes from the beach. Hot sluts everywhere. A little slice of heaven.
  2. Making them miss doesn't mean he goes untouched (at least not to me). He had to deal with 3 dudes right around the LOS, 2 that are unblocked. He took their contact, did a spin move, and went in the end zone standing up. Most RBs can't do that. Those guys had time to close from further away because Bijan was tap-dancing & juking in the backfield to avoid the guys who embarrassed our interior lineman. Again, there is definitely potential for our interior run blocking to improve. I really hope it does. If it doesn't, we will sorely miss Bijan being able to make 2 dudes miss inside a telephone booth.
  3. Bijan makes 1 unblocked guy miss behind the LOS, 2 more at the LOS, and he takes it to the house from 35 yards out and the bulk of that credit goes to the o-line? I'll drop it. I hope you are right. There are many reason to think our Guard play could improve.
  4. We had the best RB, in terms of making people miss, that I've seen since Barry Sanders. I am pretty sure he led the country in generating missed tackles last season. You are giving the o-line credit for Bijan's magic. I don't know if any of our RBs will have anything close to that this season. I keep thinking back to our first TD this past season against OU. We had the ball on the 2. We run Bijan up the gut. He has to make a cut 3 yards deep in the backfield to dodge 1, maybe 2 guys. Three guys, 2 that were unblocked, converge on him at the 1 1/2. He spins out of their tackles and runs into the EZ. He makes it look easy. It's not.
  5. Our Center can't run block to save his life and the run blocking we got from our Guards last year wasn't dependable. We only gained yards up the gut when Mustardson made someone miss. All of those guys are coming back but it is debatable if that is a good thing. I do think we will get consistent pass blocking. Quinn needs to be aggressive in checking down to any route run by Sanders.
  6. All 5 starters back and quality backups - this is a no excuses year for the o-line. I could still see us going after a Center out of the transfer portal in May.
  7. To the lawyers here, or the people who are smarter than me and I am convinced they are lawyers, does the ACC leadership have an implied fiduciary responsibility to "stay competitive," in financial terms, with the other top tier conferences? Even if it isn't specified in the contract, if a reasonable person would assume it is the duty of the ACC conference leadership to allow conference members to stay competitive with the SEC and the Big, can an argument be made they violated the GOR by monetarily falling behind by such a degree?
  8. Win a national championship in football or shut the fuck up.
  9. FSU would likely sue first in a Florida court....correct?
  10. If FSU leaves and joins the SEC, does the ACC sue FSU in a state court in Tallahassee for its SEC TV money payout?
  11. I have a brother-in-law who just won't work. Apparently, it has been this way for decades. I've never heard of him having the same job for more than a few months. Now, he has pretty much given up. He blames everything and everyone else...because, you know, it is impossible for a white guy in Texas to ever make any money. He lives on handouts. Over the years, family have given him cars, places to live, lots of money, paid the cell phone bills for him and the kids he has created but can't pay for...and he has zero gratitude. He complains about everything. Nothing is good enough. It frustrates me that he doesn't realize the sacrifices people had to make for all of this stuff to be thrown at him that he doesn't appreciate. He reminds me a lot of the Iowa State fan who likes to show up from time to time around here to tell us Texas alums about our attitude problem.
  12. No, you are not. You are incapable of it. That is what scares you.
  13. Fuck you and your tired schtick. ISU has been earning countless millions it never deserved for decades. Your luck finally ran out and everyone associated with Iowa State is realizing that your athletics program across the board is meaningless and shouldn't exist. No one cares. You don't matter. Be gone....
  14. I always thought that the other $27 billion is mostly $ that came from the PUF that was re-invested into various other things. Is that not accurate?
  15. It isn't about making us happy. It isn't about making old school SEC members happy. This is all about money, which means keeping the networks happy. Do you think the networks will be happy if they don't get TX/OU, TX/aggie & TX/arkie every year?
  16. Could the Pac go to YouTube? Is YouTube an option for live sports? If yes, does anyone know if they will take a 3rd party out-of-state check?
  17. Let me tell you about the Gentleman's agreement.....
  18. So your argument for UofH's success in the 2020s is that they did well in football in the SWC decades ago when they cheated like holy fuck and in the 1980s they assembled the best college basketball team to never win a title. You are lightyears away from a coherent argument. Houston is a joke academic university based in a war zone with zero national titles in any sport that matters. Also, they spelled it 'Phi Slama Jama' and Guy V. Lewis is an eternal clown for not winning a national title with 2 of the NBA's Top 50 players. You are dismissed.
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