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Everything posted by DCA_HORN

  1. I went to both HEB and WF 365 yesterday. HEB 90% had masks and 365 required one and supplied one if you didn't have one. On Saturday the house down the street with an LSU flag had a 50 person crawfish party going in the driveway.
  2. This has to be the last season. It's kind of like how taco bell comes up with new items for the menu at this point. Put your main ingredients/ characters and topics on a dart board and throw 5 darts. It's all just a variation on the same storyline.
  3. If I had to guess, you misspelled cypress.
  4. What difference does she see between the two cookies?
  5. The reason for this is because your wife probably sees herself in the same settings as KH and MM and thus wanting to cut your dick off. If you said Sofia Vergara or some such maybe she wouldn't go john wayne bobbitt on you.
  6. Had a client with a ranch near there. We would shoot them and give them to the ranch hands for just this purpose.
  7. You say that but how many times have we seen it happen before? As soon as capital comes back to the industry team's like that will be funded again.
  8. Not disagreeing with shank here but not seeing any queso.
  9. It's not clutter if its shoved into a drawer or closet apparently. Ymmv
  10. Did you miss the part where hes a bering sea legend?
  11. Hey junior have a seat at the kiddy table.
  12. Water trailers are about to get repurposed.
  13. Needs ti happen but won't do much. 40 millions bbls of saudi crude hitting the ship channel this week.
  14. Yeah that's not how any of this works.
  15. Dr. Beeper? Maybe because it's never been an issue I never realized this.
  16. Are you taking about hedging? Ive never heard of this otherwise.
  17. http://www.rbcrichardsonbarr.com/
  18. Negative pricing in the Bakken.
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