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Everything posted by DCA_HORN

  1. Where in the store is the el gallo salsa? Produce or deli area? I cant find it at my local store. Also love the sensors in the parking garage above the spots that have the red or green lights to let you know what spots are open.
  2. We've got a hurricane in downtown houston currently.
  3. I guess we really are back. My seats are all over the place every year. I'm in section in 11 this year. Seat location doesnt always correlate with the previous years performance though.
  4. The ones they have at heb are called folios cheese wraps.
  5. Not cheap but good. Also these cheese tortilla things are good for tacos and what not. Just a few seconds in the microwave though.
  6. Yep. Absolutely. Learned this early on.
  7. And kirk bohls while were at it.
  8. Well you can't have a fire on the beach anymore. It's amazing how the city has changed since John Ritter lived there. Peoples republic and all. Smoke a joint in the street is fine. Beer on the beach? absolutely not. Football on the beach? Nope. Your dog? Nope. Any kind of fun? Nope.
  9. Maybe because on the promenade a bum of color is the exception?
  10. I'm gonna put the big house or ND stadium as number one but the national championship should be played at the rose bowl every year.
  11. Not a lot of timed feeders in the wild is his point I believe.
  12. What do you think 90 percent of deer "hunting" is?
  13. Which marina in southern california are you getting fuel for $4/gallon or less?
  14. And this is why hes the master. Well done sir.
  15. I'm in the middle of nowhere with limited cell connection. Can I get a tl;dr and can I buy a hat?
  16. What was the generic beer they sold at heb for like $4 a 12 pack? Sportz?
  17. Well they also said oil was going to $200...
  18. I guarantee you he was riding a tricycle.
  19. My teachers are from Rio. I really dont mind it. Is it the sing songyness that you dont like?
  20. Yeah I'll take the under. There a lot of zombie companies out there that even $75 oil won't fix. I dont think we were ever much over 11 million a day.
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