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Everything posted by GottaB

  1. Spank you. Spank you very much. I often post without reviewing how I typed or fix any sentence structure issues.
  2. Accord. Yeah. I’m not sure if even a low profile bottle jack would have worked.
  3. Yep. Mine was flat.
  4. Yep. Had a cell phone and USAA. But the first persons they tried to send called and when I told them about the jack issue they said they wouldn’t touch a car that had slipped off a jack. The second person took three hours to get there. And I was in Kyle.
  5. Dragonfly is great. I have a green g10 that is use a lot during the summer. For a small knife, it has great grip and a lot of usable blade. The dark green in that zdp looks great.
  6. Bhq has an exclusive on this knife where the handle is micarta and the blade is coated black. It looks awesome (Not my pic)
  7. They have indeed. As of yesterday we refi’d 25yr at 2.875%. It seemed like 10 days.
  8. Until then, any suggestions on a jack that doesn’t suck that I can keep in the trunk? Scissor jack that is just better than the one provided or a stubby bottle jack? I doubt I’d want to keep a trolly jack in the trunk.
  9. I got a flat tonight. It sucked. I’ve had flats before and I’ve changed a flat in the roadside before. I had a 4 way tire iron which made removing the lugs easy. The problem: the Honda supplied scissor jack sucked ass. It took to long to raise, it sunk into the ground. And my the jack worked it’s way out while using the tire iron twisting motion to raise the jack a little higher after the tire was off sending my car to the ground. What do you have in your car that you feel is a must have for easier emergency management. I already had: Fixaflat: it was a gash. Tire repair kit: useless in this scenario. Inflator: again useless here. Flashlight: going to get a headlamp to help. Blanket: grass was wet, this helped. Going to get a waterproof tarp to put under blanket in the event of wet grass next time. Crappy scissor jack: thinking of getting a pneumatic lift or a bottle jack. Also going to keep a metal plate to put under the jack in case I am on soft turf again. Gloves: great call on this as that jack was a bitch on the hands. Water: could have been an issue if I were further out of town. Map: I had this. Rain coat: came in handy to block the wind.
  10. Yeah. Fuck that guy
  11. My wife and I went to Reds (since BotW is no longer open) to break in that G48 pictured above. Before we left I had her practice racking the slide at the house. It was her first time in a loooong time and Reds is a little noisy so I thought it might bother her. I got her some earplugs to put under the muffs which helped. It was loud but manageable. I put the target at about 5 yards and she proceeded to put out a group no bigger than my face. I was impressed. I was able to shoot pretty tight groups with the 48. It is noticeably thinner than my G17/26. I liked it more than my Bersa BP9CC. I don’t think she’ll be going regularly but it is good to know she can handle herself.
  12. Someone want to share with her how much it costs for a hitman contract.
  13. Pretty much. Need to do a retake during the day.
  14. Maybe I can get her to the range next week and I can take my other “new”ish pistol. I bought this RIA 9mm 1911. I told myself I wouldn’t buy another once since I sold my old one to one of you guys years ago.
  15. New glock day Time for a single stack. I Went to the shop with the intent on buying a 19x. I didn’t like it. I hadn’t considered a single stack since I have a single stack bersa bp9cc and sig 938. I told myself it was for my wife and she hasn’t been to the range since 2010. So anyway. I have a new gun.
  16. I like it. It is D2. It’s not ergonomic in the since that your thumb doesn’t naturally land where it needs to open the knife, but I can open one handed without a problem. The detent isn’t a challenge.
  17. I’ll probably remove the pocket clip on the Kershaw (always hated this type of clip) and it bugs me the thumb studs are not black but whatever.
  18. Fixed blades Esee izula, dpx hest, Bradford guardian. Not pictured: Benchmade hidden canyon and more ESEE.
  19. That is until this week. I came across the perfect Kershaw Leek at Walmart on clearance (grey and blackwash blade) and CRKT CEO exclusive at Blade HQ with green micarta scales and copper liners. Both are badass and immediately going into rotation. TLDR; some things never change.
  20. Story time: (Cliffs notes: some things change. Some things don’t). My knife “hobby” has evolved over time. It all started with cheap Chinese crap and some less crappy (sanrenmu and others) and lower end CRKT and Kershaws. Average price $25. Spydercos (Byrd lineup, tenacious lineup) and mid to higher end Kershaws (Leek, Blur, etc) were next. They had fun knives with cooler designs and better finishing than the cheap eBay imports. Then I hit the mid range Spydercos (delica and sage series) and lower Benchmade’s (griptillians). I started to understand there was a difference in steels and quality. I sold all my cheap stuff and started buying custom scales and trading for higher quality knives. Again I sold my cheaper things to find the more expensive options. I was too good for a kershaw or crkt anything. The leek wasn’t good enough for my pocket when I was choosing between Delicas and custom mini grips. I finally ran out of steam on the custom scaled mini griptillians (I had at least 10 at some point) and focused on getting higher priced Chinese knives (Kizer, Stedemon, We) and eventually a good old American Chris Reeve Sebenza, small sebenza and one other CR model. I went on to pick up some really cool autos and some fixed blades. I’ve bought and sold between 100-200 knives in the journey. When my interest waned, I paired down my collection to this. The photo is about 75% of what I own but I have things spread out and I’m too lazy to collect them.
  21. Less than a day of use and it is showing wear, which I expected. I look forward to see how it changes over time.
  22. I have a Bugout and a mini Bugout. But I’ve been on a copper kick. Copper supposedly has an antimicrobial property to it, but true or not, it got me looking at copper scaled knives. That google rabbit hole brought me to the idea of just buying copper scales for a knife I own. Flytanium copper scales for the Bugout were sold out but I found that SMKW was selling their own line of copper scales and they cost less than flytanium. The result removes the Bugouts biggest selling points (thin and light) but makes for a cool knife.
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