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Everything posted by GottaB

  1. Carried my small sebenza this morning. Great knife.
  2. What hump?
  3. You were correct. Fixed it.
  4. To me it was a like a fly buzzing behind my head every time there was a quiet scene. I'd prefer a 65" LCD over 10 foot screen + projector.
  5. You’re lost now? Head over to avsforums.
  6. I never daily carried one for long so I can’t speak to long term durability but the lockup was good enough.
  7. I’ll have to look but it isn’t a Seiko strap. It’s a strap from WatchGecko. So perhaps they mucked it up.
  8. I’ve owned several ganzos. Good stuff. Worse I’ve seen is uneven grind and some finishing that wasn’t perfect but largely good knives.
  9. Zero Tolerance 0450CF $145 (backorderable) MSRP $225, U&C $180 https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B01B77720A/ref=dp_olp_new_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=new
  10. That’s the Porter Cable one most guys talk about when gearing up for some detailing. I’ve used some of the chemical guys pads and towels. They are good to go. The harbor freight one does the job, just louder. The PC just felt like better equipment.
  11. I just ordered a Nighthawk X6 AC3000 R7900. I hope my experience is better than yours. I currently using the U-verse router / modem combo. I also ordered a Netgear Powerline PLW1010 so I could get an Ethernet connection for my AV receiver and extend my WiFi to my back porch. We’ll see. I ordered both through amazon warehouse because they had a special 20% off on some networking stuff.
  12. Yeah, i know, but it would make for an interesting commercial. Exaggerated infomercial style: "Don't you just hate it when you pull up to the wrong side of the pump? (lady tries to pull the pump handle across the trunk and a big "X" marks the screen "Introducing the 2000 SUX with dual tank access and a separate bubble compartment for your kids!" Doh!
  13. Sage 1,2,4 Griptilians large and small customized
  14. My rotation right now is heavily slanted toward Kizer. Most titanium frames on bearing pivots. A lot of quality for the price but they are Chinese so ...
  15. Did they not have any ammo made by mullet in the final showdown? And What was with the helicopter in the last episode? And Why not cut out negans tongue and prevent him from persuading people to ultimately destroy the settlement as I expect will happen next year. . . and none of these questions compare to the most obvious one as it relates to the final showdown ........ WHY WAS THERE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS HANGING FROM A TREE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!!
  16. The arrow / triangle is pretty universal now isn’t it? Regardless: the answer is simple and the auto company who does this will get my money: why hasn’t an auto company put tank access on both sides of the car?
  17. Loved the show. RIP
  18. Hutto Home Depot had an ego and a ryobi return for $100 off each.
  19. The assistant manager. The cost for a bag and bag frame on their own website was $100. So he suggested the discount. Not me.
  20. I was at Home Depot and the had a returned Honda. Looks new. $399 marked down to $280. No bag. Had them knock another $100 off. New-ish Honda for $180. Good enough for me.
  21. Let’s go for the sweep!
  22. I’ve got a WD elements external. It’s also helpful if you ever have move stuff to a new unit.
  23. I’m on the fence. Honda above or Ego. Same price. Anyone use an electric on Bermuda.
  24. GottaB

    Shit My Kid Says

    Yeah. That’s what I figured. I’m just sad there wasn’t a punch line. Best I could come with was “turtles like shellfish”.
  25. GottaB

    Shit My Kid Says

    5yo: Dad. I have a joke for you. (Feels proud moment coming) Me: You have a joke for me? 5yo: yeah. What is a turtles favorite food? (Truly stunned as a) great opening, b) I’ve never heard this joke before) Me: I don’t know son, what is a turtles favorite food? 5 yo: pizza ( WTF? That’s not a joke. It’s not funny or punny) 5yo: I’m going to get a pet turtle. And I’m going to name him Tiffany. (Now that’s funny in a what!?! kind of way)
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