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Everything posted by GottaB

  1. yeah. Agreed
  2. From the sound bars I have owned, most used proprietary connections to their subwoofer. You then use either optical/hdmi/stereo (red/white) inputs to connect to a TV. Any receiver would have the same outputs as a television. Surround speakers use speaker wire to connect to the receiver. I don't think you can use both. I have owned one soundbar that used speaker wire and was able to incorporate it into a full surround setup, but that was the exception. I have never seen a soundbar that would connect to other surround speakers directly.
  3. Panasonic soundbar sub ARC TCL TV ARC input TCL TV menu
  4. Does the sound bar or sub have an HDMI out? More specifically does it support ARC. You can connect tv (arc input) to sub (ARC) and the sub should act like TV speakers. Then DirecTv to sub. ProTip: my Roku TV requires you to go activate the ARC functionality. It’s in the TV menu under advanced setting IIRC
  5. Crates of tea and a feather
  6. Jollyvile house up 2.5%
  7. Its already green.
  8. If I can't get to it till wednesday, will that be too late. I won't be watering between now and then.
  9. Saw it today. Really liked it.
  10. I love the early success. I have lost 15 pounds in 18 days. I don't expect this to continue at this pace. I know that wouldn't be healthy.
  11. Crap. It’s not 2,4 d. It’s atrazine.
  12. I put some 2,4 D on my Bermuda before I realized it said not to do that. What’s the best way to remedy ?
  13. Yep. I did Dr Slaughters advertised on the horn. Sinuplasty. Turbinate reduction. Palate raising. And correction of deviated septum. And I’m on allergy drops. Made a world of difference.
  14. Subaru is coming out with a new model next year. The ascent. https://www.subaru.com/ascent
  15. You say you don't want a min van. Then you will rent one on vacation and understand the greatness that sliding doors and enough walking space to buckle up kids is and wonder, "why didn't I consider a mini van?"
  16. Two days later and it crapped out. Probably should have gone with something else.
  17. I used that hose end Scott’s at the top and I couldn’t tell if it was dispensing. The volume never dropped so I couldn’t tell if my rate was right. I emailed Scott’s and they said it was normal. I told them it was a design flaw.
  18. I’m tired of that dumb ass “your thing” AT&T commercial “your moving out out of the friend zone...” people don’t move from the friend zone to marriage. That’s the big deal about a friend zone. You don’t get the prize.
  19. Forrest Gump
  20. Then nova breaks a record for threes in the same dome two hours later.
  21. Basketball games in a dome. I wave to watch a half of ball where one of the top teams in the nation has to learn how to shoot all over again because the depth perception is screwed. Every year. Same crap. As if college basketball wasn’t hard enough to watch....
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