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Everything posted by GottaB

  1. More progress.
  2. More progress.
  3. We are staying in Roscrea (middle of the island) this week. It’s our first time here. We have driven to all the common places. These roads are narrow and I’ve white knuckled a lot of the back roads. Thankfully there isn’t a lot of traffic. Birr Castle Cliffs of Moher Guineas Storehouse tour We also did Blarney. Limmerick tomorrow.
  4. We’ve been given a shopping list. Time to go check out show rooms to see what sundek, waterline tile, and quartzscape we are going with. Fun.
  5. Hmmm. First, post here and be ready to get Best Buy Cupins. Perhaps reviewing gunbroker listings to see what similar items sold for might help give you an idea. Maybe then either go to a gun show and sit in the lot selling to those as they come out without having bought any of the overpriced crap inside. Or list on Texas Gun Trader. One. At. A. Time. Or just straight gunbroker all you intend to sell and let the market dictate the value. It’s not an easy path to maximize profits. If you have the time sell slowly and research each item before pricing.
  6. I have paint. Next week I should have a hole. Baby steps.
  7. It’s pretty tough. I’ve had one for a while and it didn’t show much wear. After a couple years I went back to a G-SHOCK and gave up tracking steps. My original reason for getting one was for occasional rhythm checks. I didn’t use that feature as much as I thought.
  8. My wife and her parents had a good time.
  9. We were there ‘85-‘97 I think.
  10. Fuckity fuck fuck. Get ‘em tomorrow men.
  11. We were almost neighbors. I lived in the north oaks neighborhood that ran up next to the four seasons. I spent half my youth through that hood. My dad worked at that Safeway and I worked at that Appletree - Randall’s.
  12. Brutal.
  13. This is who came to mind for me. Brooks I thought was going to be a household name. Didn’t happen.
  14. Melendez is 4-4 with two homers. . . And we’re losing. Argh.
  15. They took that out? That should have been included over some of the filler.
  16. I’ve done a dozen buys/sells using tgt. I met at an academy parking lot, toward the back of the lot. No issues ever. I’ve heard TGT has more attempts at fraud but haven’t heard of robberies. With gunbroker I always had them ship it so I can’t speak to a FTF transaction with a GB seller. Did you pay online and are picking up in person? Or are you paying in person? You may check to see if the same pistol is listed on TGT. Bill of sale won’t help you so far as I can tell. You could bring a friend in the car if you have one available. Daytime better than nights.
  17. GottaB

    The Boys

    https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/boys-homelander-actor-antony-starr-210326380.html Bar fight.
  18. The cops know who did it. It was the 4 originally arrested. The lead investigator was focused on someone else and it led to a lack of attention and focus on the evidence that was there. Two were eventually arrested and convicted. Scott and Springsteen. They confessed and both included statements that involved the other guy. When they used both confessions in each trial it created a situation where the statements couldn’t be cross examined since they refused to testify in person. The third guy Pierce would have been named if they could have convinced Springsteen and Scott to testify but they refused. Without enough evidence other than the confessions, they didn’t have enough to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.
  19. Is this supposed to be some sort of symbolism for a girl getting her first period? And turning into a monster (emotionally, of course)
  20. Follow up. Went back to Reds for round two of the Dan Wesson Vigil and WC EDC9. I took them home and cleaned again and re-lubed. With the DW Vigil I had one feed issue. It was 90% fed and just a nudge seated the round. Better. Not great. The more prevalent issue with the failure to lock on an empty mag. I’ve got a variety of mags: DW, Colt, Wilson combat, chip McCormick and Meg gar. The only ones it locked on empty was the Chip McKormick. That got me researching. Apparently, This is a common issue and they suggest NOT CLEANING THE GUN just lubing for the first 500 rounds. The powder residue and oil should help smooth the surfaces as it cycles to ease the tight tolerances that make this failure to lock an issue. The WC had no lock issues. I had two feed issues and one I just sat there and looked at it and it eventually fed after a short delay. The nose of the round was stalled on the ramp. I put a light coat of lube on the ramp and no more failures. Perhaps some more break in and these parts will wear into a smooth working shooter. I feel better but not great.
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