Follow up. Went back to Reds for round two of the Dan Wesson Vigil and WC EDC9. I took them home and cleaned again and re-lubed. With the DW Vigil I had one feed issue. It was 90% fed and just a nudge seated the round. Better. Not great. The more prevalent issue with the failure to lock on an empty mag. I’ve got a variety of mags: DW, Colt, Wilson combat, chip McCormick and Meg gar. The only ones it locked on empty was the Chip McKormick. That got me researching. Apparently, This is a common issue and they suggest NOT CLEANING THE GUN just lubing for the first 500 rounds. The powder residue and oil should help smooth the surfaces as it cycles to ease the tight tolerances that make this failure to lock an issue. The WC had no lock issues. I had two feed issues and one I just sat there and looked at it and it eventually fed after a short delay. The nose of the round was stalled on the ramp. I put a light coat of lube on the ramp and no more failures. Perhaps some more break in and these parts will wear into a smooth working shooter. I feel better but not great.