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Braff Zacklin

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Braff Zacklin

  1. That seems backwards. Shouldn't the bowl be what's blowing up and not the tank? That's definitely how it'd go if I were using it ...
  2. More impressed with the losing team from that game than the winner. And fuck those refs--pretty corrupt job at the end there.
  3. NDSU is gonna look back on this game and wonder, "Why didn't we throw it more?" All the same, that QB of theirs seems like a baller.
  4. The Ghost of Lee Iacocca weeps at seeing anything but a current or former Dodge/Chrysler brand on that list. Damn you, Tesla! Is nothing sacred!!!!??
  5. A random bit of nostalgia for y'all.
  6. As far as ramens go, 100 percent agree. Give me Sapporo Ichiban, Samyang Buldak or Indomie Mi Goreng any day of the week instead.
  7. Just snagged a bag of these from the local market. Not bad. Better than most other cross-brand collabs.
  8. She bared them to glorious effect in 2011's Melancholia. NSFW
  9. Yeah, but whose hasn't? And not just our minds ...
  10. Fuckin' Self, man. Dude's a savage.
  11. LoL No worries. However, I assure you that I am quite the sarcastic asshole.
  12. LoL are you sure about that? There's a reason I omitted the first half of his post.
  13. This is the smartest and best thing you've ever written. There's hope for you yet, Rex! First Syriana, tomorrow, maybe no more dipping on planes.
  14. C'mon, Biff. Just as there are male models who can turn right but not left, there are also food servers who can divide by four but not six.
  15. I'm not sure there were enough officers present to take him down safely. Sure, they got away with it this time, but four cars and about 20 cops to arrest one Beach Bro is taking your life into your own hands. Probably should've brought in some K9s and SWAT. They were lucky to make it home to their families that night.
  16. I generally try to avoid cracking on people for looks, but holy shit, that dude on the right must've been used for air defense--he's got a built-in radome. Can't fly nothin' past him.
  17. Regular? I hope he's an AMAZING Kreskin! Or at least a Magnificent Carnac.
  18. On it. Those were supposed to be HEB jap saltines, but grabbed the wrong damn sleeve. Clearly the green box right under was too difficult.
  19. Have a buddy who owns one of these and swears it's stable enough to stand up in and claims to do so frequently. https://www.nrs.com/nrs-pike-inflatable-fishing-kayak/p64e
  20. First the mines, then the moon. (No, not really the moon; just low-Earth orbit.)
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