Well, to be honest, I have no memory of either of my TBI's. Just the aftermath. I did have loss of executive function, and you're right, that's the worst part. Mine happened 7 years ago, and I have gotten a lot better. I have to take meds twice a day. My neurologist tells me that when you have a frontal lobe injury or when cells die, that after time, your brain redirects and corrects functions as time goes on. Initially I had to wear a leg brace because my foot wouldn't function properly, I had shitty balance, and I could not feel some skin on the left side of my body.
Then out of the blue, my foot could function and I regained some sensation on my left side.
The brain is complicated as hell and every case is different. You have had a traumatic injury and your symptoms are a lot more complicated than mine.
But don't lose hope man. The brain and body have a biological way of correcting and surviving. Trust your doctors and stay positive. That's the hardest part. I will send good thoughts your way.