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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BurntOrangeCrush

  1. Great news on getting the Floyd commitment. Hook 'em!
  2. It's a topsy-turvy world, and maybe the problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans...but this is our hill. And these are our beans.
  3. My condolences. Thanks for sharing. He definitely seemed to be a great player and a better man.
  4. Reminds me of the East German ladies in the Olympics in the 80's
  5. "I'd like to adopt this 17 yr old Korean girl I've had my eye on for a while"
  6. Just finished season 2. I thought it was better than season 1. Lots of twists and turns.
  7. Iron Maiden/Dream Theater stood out to me. I saw Maiden several times. They were excellent and always one of my favorite bands to see live. Never got to see Dream Theater. I bet that was an awesome concert.
  8. Find your makeup bag please
  9. Agreed! I am now on board with 10 wins this year. Thanks for inspiring me to see the light. And fuck ou
  10. Sounds like steam escaping
  11. That was an excellent interview. Well done BL
  12. Thanks for posting. I had only heard "Wishing Wells" off the new album thus far. Good stuff
  13. Van Halen in 1980 at the Amarillo Coliseum. 14 years old
  14. I saw Metallica and Guns 'n Roses when they toured together in 1992 at the stadium in Las Cruces, NM. Metallica played first, then GnR. Axl got pissed about the sound system and stormed off stage for a while but came back and got everyone revved up with his tirade. Both bands were at their peak and it was awesome.
  15. Is there a way to post a GIF I have saved on my computer? I can't find the original from he internet.
  16. Numero uno
  17. Post #1 - glad to be here
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