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Horn of Gabriel

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Everything posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. Not sure it matters, Toronto won't have any answer for the Steph/Draymond PnR...to be fair though, no one in the NBA has figure that out yet. They are both just too good at passing and finishing. And I fucking hate Draymond so much. Plus, who are they going to put on Steph? Danny Green? He's good but Steph will destroy that with penetration and kick. Warriors in 5...6 if they get lazy.
  2. This experience is like going down to 6th street and seeing the hot chick who broke up with you running with some new guy, only she's hotter now and has bigger tits.
  3. Gallon of Milk per Day - GOMAD. Perfect for the teenager who is putting on muscle. Speed is derivative of Power, which is the application of Strength against a load (for running, your body weight and gravity; for powerlifting gravity and the weight on the bar). Hence, if you want to get faster, you need to get stronger. All things equal, the stronger athlete will be faster than the weaker, with strength measured in repeatable/testable way, such as ability to squat a certain weight on the bar. Higher squat will mean higher production of Power and faster Speed. Go grab a copy of Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training and start from there. He should be doing 3x/week weigh training following that program and progressively adding weight each time. A teenage boy on that program + GOMAD will be in beast mode very quickly. ... Now all that is about Strength and its application to Power and Speed. The other side of the coin is Technique, which isn't about Strength. Proper shooting form for a basketball, good throwing form for football, coming out of the blocks properly for a sprint. Those can have a huge impact as well.
  4. This post perfectly encapsulates the no-win situation the producers are in. Have a "traditional" or "villain" death for Cersi, where she gets slain by Dany, Arya, or Jon, and I guarantee that there will be dozens of posts here that are variations on the theme of "OMG! What a cliché death, of course the hero kills the villain, lazy writing D&D! GRRM would never have done that, he'd give us a twist!" ...OTOH, they kill Cersi in a non-traditional way and we get posts like this about how unsatisfying her death was. I was pretty happy with her death. She's a bully who when faced with her imminent demise and no more get-out-of-jail-free cards, broke the facade of toughness she put on and became the insecure, quivering mass we suspected her to be underneath. Plus there was the irony of her world literally crumbling around her, and they literally dropped the Red Keep - the embodiment of everything she worked towards - on her head. It was that which she sought, her hubris that killed her off. Jamie dying with her was a good conclusion to his arc. If he had turned "hero," and gone to the good side everyone here would be bitching about traditionalism and hero's journey, etc. He had a slight turn toward the good with his battle for the living, but in the end couldn't deny himself, and went back to his comfort zone in Cersi. It rang true for me because it's his weakness, and ultimately led to his death.
  5. The NK is a magical undead zombie Terminator. Apparently he's into creating crop circles with the dismembered corpses of those he kills. That's freaky enough without some deeper meaning behind it. Because otherwise it would be a pretty boring story? We're seeing a slice of time in Westeros for this story, and it happens to be a pretty interesting time because of a confluence of events. Maybe his goal was to do something to/with Bran 1st? Maybe he wants to suck out his brain, warg into Bran and access the Godswoods.net, or something else? Or maybe he's a egotistical shitface who gets off on killing cripples personally? Up until that point he's survived dragon fire and a fall from 1000 ft in the air, so he's basically shown to be invincible - no reason to have the wights kill Theon when Theon is no more of a threat than a housefly. Plus he gets to rub it in Bran's face. The special power of Valyrian steel has never been fully explained, if it even could be by these characters. It's special; and no one knows why. Part of that is b/c it's rare and can't be forged anew. Others have theorized that it's not the Valyrian steel aspect that killed the NK, it's something specific to the Cat's Paw dagger itself - that dagger is shown in a book that Sam reads in Oldtown about the White Walkers, so it may have some historical aspect.
  6. To everyone bitching about not knowing the Night King's motivation: he's DEATH. His motivation is to kill. It doesn't have to be complicated. They explained earlier in the show that the Children of the Forest created him as a weapon to kill men...he's the Terminator and he's doing his thing.
  7. DDR is a crazy talented scorer but tries too hard in crunch time and forces stuff, which works out badly. LMA is great until he's not and he lives and dies by his turnaround J, which would be fine if were a threat to drive (he isn't) or an amazing passer (he's not). So we got to watch 2.5 quarters of clanks. The offense was terrible but the defense was worse. I've never seen a Spurs team so disinterested in playing D.
  8. For me, working out (hard cardio like basketball or weight lifting) creates a ~24-hour window where I'm more insulin-sensitive. So I need less insulin for the same amount of carbs. When I do full contact sports like basketball, I remove my pump for the duration (up to about 2 hours) and then put it back on after. I check BG before I take it off and dose if needed, knowing that I tend to float downward as I work out, and I account for that. Sometimes I'll check during a break in the action if I'm feeling low, and I always keep a gatorade on hand to bring me up if needed. And I always check right after, and if I'm <100, I take gatorade or a carb to bring me up, because I know I'm floating down pretty hard in the few hours after working out. My endocrinologist and I have talked about setting a "temp basal" for overnight (I tend to work out at night) so that I take less insulin and don't go low at night, because I've had a few hypo episodes in the middle of the night, usually they wake me up, but they're scary. Basically check before and after, and during if you feel "off." Keep insulin and carbs on hand to correct in either direction as needed. Know that you're going to have stronger BG swings than if you're inactive. I don't know if your kid is driving yet, but if so, it's a solid habit to get them started to check their blood sugar before they drive, even if they think they're fine. I had a low-carb meal a few years ago, then went a worked out and didn't realize I was going low. I ended up blacking out behind the wheel and crashed, luckily no one was hurt other than totaling my car. I drove from downtown Austin to Cedar Park on MoPac, and I don't remember anything after going under 183 on N MoPac. I crashed at MoPac and 45.
  9. Depends, on a lot of factors. A good day for me, when I'm following keto, not traveling, wearing my sensor, monitoring closely I'll range from 70's to 150. I'm super carb-sensitive at this point, and even non-carbs set me off, like coffee. On a bad day if I ate carbs, traveled, my sensor expired, etc; I could hit 250 or higher if I'm not careful. I feel lows, but don't feel any different when I'm high, and life has this strange tendency to take over and then you realize you haven't stuck your finger in 3-4 hours and whoops...you're >200. Or maybe you mis-estimated your carb intake, or your insulin dosage, or you worked out (or didn't), or you're sick, etc. It's calculus, not algebra and I'm a grown-ass man and have trouble with it. So I have a ton of empathy for a teen or a parent of young kid with T1. Sometimes you can do everything right, and still be "wrong" with regard to your blood sugar. It sucks.
  10. I was 30 when I was diagnosed so never had to deal with it as a teenager, thank god. There was a learning curve and frustration, and even depression. But I got there eventually; the key was I wanted to be healthy. There is an 8-year old at my church who was just diagnosed and his parents can do 95% of the management for him. An adult can take responsibility. A teen in that in-between time going from kid to adult is going to be much harder. Ultimately they have to want to manage it, for themself. Can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change. Quick aside on cure stuff, there is a lot of great research here recently. I highly recommend looking up Dr. Denise Faustman at the Harvard Medical School. She is doing some amazing cure research on BCG.
  11. I started on multiple daily injections (MDI) and did that for several years. For the past ~10 years I've been on the pump, currently I'm on the Medtronic 670G, along with their Continuous Glucose Monitoring System. The pump and CGMS talk to each other and will auto adjust your dosage, it's one of the first "closed loop" systems that simulates a pancreas. There are pros and cons to both, but I much prefer the pump personally. You get better control, better measurement, better results for a pretty small tradeoff of having it attached to you.
  12. Bron still has the "I'll double it" offer from Tyrion on the table. It would be a natural move to take Cerise's gold and then ride north and ask Jamie/Tyrion to double it. Several wagons of gold would go a long way.
  13. Disagree; we saw his initial reaction. He is still grappling with it, and the sum total of people who know at this point is three. We will see the impacts of this reveal including lots of the stuff you outlined and more in coming episodes. “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.”
  14. Anyone hoping that JJ fucking Abrams is the right guy to tie the story up and fix all those loose ends in the Star Wars universe obviously didn’t watch the series finale of Lost. Prepare to have none of your burning questions answered, while episode IX simultaneously introduces dozens of new questions, which will also never be answered.
  15. I’m just here waiting for Derka to melt down about how everyone is against him and if we would just read this 17 paragraph post, we’d really understand his reasoning! It was a fine episode, and did its job. Agreed the writing isn’t as good as when they were drawing on source material. The dragon ride was hokey but also served multiple purposes (Jon = targ = dragon rider, and furthering the Jon/Dany relationship). The best was the intro scene when they were marching in, as a callback to the first episode in the series when Robert came to Winterfell. Sam speaking the truth to Jon was great. Sam is a lot like Rick Barnes at Texas, really undervalued! And we are going to miss him when he is gone, amirite?
  16. We did the math and it was cheaper for us to fly to Chicago and see it there, where it plays every week and you can get inexpensive tickets, plus make a weekend out of it, than to go see it in Austin.
  17. I've said this before but I think GRRM is beta-testing the "ending" with HBO. If the crowd goes wild, he'll flesh it out in more detail (or pay someone to ghost write it for him) in the books. More likely, because 2019, there will be a huge outrage and cry-fest online. Two weeks after the finale, GRRM will start to put out the narrative of: "Those idiots at HBO ruined my masterpiece. I didn't want the ending they shot but they did it anyway. You'll need to buy the book to find out how the story REALLY ends." ...who are we kidding, he won't finish the series, ever. He'll be even less motivated to do it now. Fat fuck.
  18. A Hound that was delirious and stumbling around after someone took a bite out of his neck. Wasn't close to Peak Hound, and he still knocked her down several times, plus she was wearing plate and he wasn't. Are we really comparing a hypothetical battle between non-existent characters in a fantasy TV show?
  19. Addition by subtraction. Can't wait to see DJM in uniform again...next year...
  20. I'm not saying it can't happen, and I hope it does (again). But we're fools if we don't look at the past 20 years and say that it was an outlier. The big markets are playing the game on easy mode when it comes to attaining stars. We're playing on hard mode.
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