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Horn of Gabriel

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Everything posted by Horn of Gabriel

  1. Thanks, aside from CL, eBay, etc where is best to look? I’d like a driver does not have to be perfect but I’d like something I can use not a project that sits in the garage.
  2. OMG I hope some screen capped that so ramjet and thujone can edit it appropriately
  3. I'm drooling so bad here. My dream car is a 1969.5 A12 Roadrunner. I've always loved the body line of that car, and the GTX. Such a looker, and man I want one so bad. Was planning on picking one up this past year but it didn't work out.
  4. How to perform in a deposition and effectively not say anything.
  5. Basically yes. The days of Disney artists toiling in LA and drawing thousands of frames by hand died with the original Lion King, if not before. I’m sure that someone who wanted to be an animator in that way could find work, but that job is largely gone now and replaced by computers/AI and cheap labor in Vietnam (which is where the Simpsons is done today IIRC). Besides for the creative artist, there isn’t much glory in animation, it is very mechanical and methodical. Maybe he likes that but there is much more creativity and license in some of those other areas. The break in entry level job might be as animator or keyframe artist, or it could be compositor - that is harder to outsource. Talk to some more people, my experience is 2nd and 3rd hand here, although directionally correct...
  6. Looks like they have a lot of resources for students: https://www.toonboom.com/education/students Including special pricing: https://store.toonboom.com/students And job resources: https://www.toonboom.com/jobs/job-listings
  7. The major studios roll their own software, so you can't get it unless you work there. Otherwise he should learn Tune Boom Harmony, it's used to make the Simpsons, Rick & Morty, etc. It's not cheap, $900/yr, although they have a lite version for $180. Not sure on student pricing. Not sure on tablet; I'm sure at that level they're using a wacom or something similar more than iPads. But really, it's not about the software...it's about other things. #1 the story/plot, #2 interesting characters, and somewhere waaaaay down the list is the quality of the animation. I mean, Red vs. Blue made millions of $'s...look at Southpark, or even the Simpsons. Animation for TV these days is limited to a few key frame animators here in the US, and the vast, vast majority of people doing animation as a job are in Asia working for pennies on the dollar to fill in between keyframes or even storyboards. If he's interested in production, or post-production, have him learn Adobe After Effects or Premiere and work on some of his own projects. You can do a lot in those for a decent price. But really if his heart is set on animation, it's not about the tools, it's about being a good artist. Nail it on paper and those skills will transfer to electronic.
  8. Spurs have been on borrowed time for a long, long time. Robinson to Duncan/Ginobili/Parker gave us what, 2 decades of dominance? Best winning % in major sports? Best management, most coachable players, etc etc. That shit doesn't last, we got very, very lucky against all odds. San Antonio isn't a destination for free agents, and only Pop makes it even a conversation with "stars" like LMA. Otherwise we are a step above Memphis with a lot more history. The Association caught up. Pop's coaches are everywhere, free agents got sick of losing to systems like Spurs and decided to buddy up and create super-teams so they could just out athlete people, and you combine the two and you get the Warriors. I'm actually surprised it took this long, the NBA is traditionally faster to adapt and change systems on a team by team basis than the NFL or MLB.
  9. Not that there was any doubt at this point, but: https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/st-louis-officers-undercover-assault/index.html The Thin Blue Line is really real. I think more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that the cops aren't your friend, and you should actively work to minimize any interactions with them. When seconds count, the police are minutes away, at best. More likely, they'll be there the next morning to take your report and do paperwork. Today in the U.S. police are revenue generation first (tickets, legalized stealing via civil asset forfeiture), respect mah authoritah! second, and public safety a distant third. What makes it worse is that the "good" cops don't weed out the bad. At best they passively ignore them or even enable them to thrive. As a result, people trust the police less, the cops feel that and it makes them turtle up and talk about how they "fear for their life," and the spiral continues. I don't know the solution to the death spiral we're currently in. But I do know that if I were on a jury and the cop got up on the stand to testify, I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt one iota because of the uniform or badge - and I believe that many are in a similar place. Big change from a generation or two ago.
  10. https://www.balsamhill.com They make, by far, the best fake trees, and it's not close. They're pricy but built very well (in the US) and ship to you.
  11. Both of these offenses give me the scares for next week.
  12. Anyone have recommendations in the Cedar Park/Austin area? One of our systems crapped out, inspection says it's a leak, likely in the machinery so it makes sense to replace it at this point (15 years old). Got quotes for good/better/best ranging from 6.3K to 10K for Carrier systems up to 20 seer (3 ton, both furnace and outside unit) from Covenant, our normal service provider. We're managing with space heaters for now so would like to get it right - anyone have a trusted provider?
  13. This thread is the epitome of different strokes for different folks. Retiring on a boat sounds like my nightmare. Serious question: those who contemplate this, are you married? How do you plan on surviving for years on a 40-foot boat with a wife who has no one else to talk to and no where to escape? My wife (no pics) and I love each other, but damn, we need time away from each other to retain our sanity. Maybe we're the outriggers outliers!
  14. Loved it. S3 was the best so far, hopefully we don't have to wait as long for S4
  15. Necro bump! The arborist identified this as a "Maverick Mesquite," which apparently is a specially bred variation of Mesquite that is thornless. Cool fact: you can't grow them from seed, they have to be propagated vegetatively to retain the thornless feature.
  16. "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."
  17. LOL, "my feelings," ok big guy. Did you go to UT? Because if so I'm embarrassed to share that distinction with you; you're knocking down straw men left and right.
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