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  1. Thank you!!! It could have been us. 😔
  2. I’m not gonna pretend I enjoyed everything I read, but it comes with the territory. I wish it had worked out differently, but I had a blast and don’t regret a thing. I had fun every day! Plus I’ve met enough of y’all to know no here is worth taking seriously anyway. 😉
  3. You are correct. I left near the end of last season to get back into radio. But Statzer is awesome!
  4. The Freak has literally every segment of every day available as podcasts within a couple hours of each show ending! iHeart app, Spotify, iTunes, etc. It’s quite neat!
  5. I don't think I can give the numbers, but yes, definitely a big day for our podcast!
  6. And you'd demand a refund within about a minute. 🤣
  7. Each year, I get less and less optimistic. 😔
  8. Yep…April 6 was the 10 year anniversary of my last day. And June 3rd was the 20 year anniversary of my first day interning up there, which really threw me for a loop!
  9. And I did. Just because it's "the way it is" doesn't mean it's not disappointing when the time comes to accept that the business is the business. The Ticket is an incredible thing. There's a reason someone like me can be gone for ten years and still have strong feelings about the whole experience, and that people even still remember "just" a board-op. In the ten years since I left, I've gotten to do a bunch of fun stuff, make better money, and still get to jump on the Ticket from time to time. If I can't be at the Ticket, then I've got the next best thing. That said, I absolutely have moments of disappointment that I'm not still there. But that's life. I made the decision to leave, no one forced me to, and I believe it was the right decision for me.
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