When I quit, it was initially for others, but as I was sobering up, I learned that it isn't wise to do so, so many people will let you down, even the good ones fuck up. And so, if you're quitting for them, be it to show them that you can quit or show them that they can quit too, the minute they fuck up is the minute you start to question is any of this worth it? And maybe you go back out and drink. I can forgive myself a lot quicker than I can forgive another person, so I can live with myself better than with other people. It starts first with me, if I can quit for myself, then I can help others, even if just by example. If I can change how I think and get along better with myself, I can then get along with others, so on and so on.
We're all fallible, I do not see any value in putting my hopes and dreams on another person. I'd rather it be me.
And I know it's a blurry line, so many different avenues, for me, this was the one, and so my opinion of what has worked.