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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dewey

  1. Holy shit Ole Miss
  2. Guessing UTenn visiting locker room doesn't have AC.
  3. Looks like Iowa spent all week game planning for Georgia
  4. There's also the ep where Aunt Bee gets him to believe the shoe salesman from NYC is some big time talent scout. Hard for him to play the dumb one when there's Barney, Goober, Gomer, Floyd, the mayor, which ever one. I will say Mr. Darling had a way of putting Andy in his place... or at least a compromise.
  5. That's all Houston had to do, when he was out there railing against the DA and judges, should have fired his ass. I forget the topic, but he went on a rant while in Houston, got called out and basically went into silent mode for a couple weeks. He's getting fired because he's no better than the people he's calling the FBI on. Guy is full of shit.
  6. Hope the playoff rematch is in Buffalo
  7. Diggs has better hands than 3/4 of the receivers in the league, sucks he only has 5 receptions
  8. Odds are that Bama got a bunch of phone calls late night and food poisoning in the morning, they still win.
  9. Call him budder because he's on a role?
  10. 114/28 on tmobile, that's in el paso, same phone and carrier when I lived in Galveston 1/0
  11. Third base coach needs to take the bus home, what in the world ?
  12. This guy was to do what Jimmy Johnson did, go from championships in college to championships in the NFL. Difference is Jimmy spent his time fucking over the rest of the league on his way to two SBs, Urbs is in fucking Dublin Ohio. Jackass.
  13. Dewey

    NFL Week 4

  14. Dewey

    NFL Week 4

    Fucking Ravens, that's awesome
  15. Dewey

    NFL Week 4

    I laughed when Arizona hired Kingsbury, it's mostly getting the players, but damn good job so far.
  16. One yard would be pretty simple if the other team lined up in a dime and guarded against the hailmary. Just take the point and move on.
  17. What was the teaching moment there? To call a better play? Like run it and give your qb some room?
  18. Dewey

    Cincy @ ND NBC

    How did they think Cone was going to be after all those years at Wisconsin? Better? Lol
  19. Dewey

    Cincy @ ND NBC

    ND wishing this game was on the peacock app
  20. I use my tablet, I pull up YTTV on the tablet, then stream to my TV. You can do the same with Apple TV, or you used to be able too. When you're watching something on YTTV (tablet) top right on your screen will be a small square tab, hit that and it'll stream to your TV That didn't work for me on my TV, took me straight to the yttv app. Code worked for HBO max though.
  21. Whatever else may come out in the future would have to be fucking fantastic for me to switch from YTTV. I've had YTTV for 3 or 4 years and have tried others, it's not close. My only qualm would be the price hikes, that comes with a great product. I just don't want to get back to the price range where I was with satellite and cable and their bullshit packages.
  22. Only way Miami gets on the board is a pick 6.
  23. Subway food would start a prison riot.
  24. Guy on redzone just said there goes the undefeated season for the Bucs. All these talking heads after 2 games they're talking shit
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