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Everything posted by Yankee

  1. Surly Sugar bowl tailgate sounds like a nice alternative to the texas exes one.
  2. Tall grass? Although think they went back to being just a brew pub and closed the distribution brewery.
  3. Hear Rare Song by Drive-By Truckers’ First Band Adam’s House Cat Also DBT playing two nights at scoot inn in november
  4. For mini barrels, I like aging cocktails like a manhattan or boulivardier. For the manhattan, I just age rye and vermouth and add the bitters when serving.
  5. I use spotify premium but i am tempted to try the youtube service.
  6. I am in the same boat as you. It is not worth the price at retail, and probably over priced by around $30 dollars. That said, I enjoyed my first pour and do not regret buying a bottle. I am interested to see how it changes with a little time open, I remember the OF 1920 getting better.
  7. Yankee


    I got a foursquare zinfandel cask which I quite enjoyed. Picked up a foursquare 2004 on friday but haven't opened it yet. But these are really my first foray's into the rum world, still more of a whisk(e)y guy.
  8. Don’t watch Neat on Hulu if you aren’t prepared to pour a glass or two of brown water. Started with woodford batch proof ( classic woodford profile in the best way ), now on to moonshine for their OWA pick and a raffle ticket.
  9. Yah I picked one of those up as well. I got a soft spot for woodford thanks to many drunken delta flights. Also picked up a Foursquare 2004 rum.
  10. Picked up a Smooth Ambler Big Level today at Total Wine Brodie. A little young for me, too much wet flour / raw dough.
  11. I did not like the new okkervil at all on the first listen but it has really grown on me. Trying to figure out who / what it reminds me of. 80s English alt rock? Early 70s laurel canyon?
  12. Umpire missed that one
  13. I liked munguia thanking the boxing commission for not allowing him to lose to GGG and allowing him to get a belt.
  14. I got KG, 29-28, 2 rounds to 1
  15. Goodnight Irene!
  16. Holy shit
  17. Maybe they should call the no gi version the oleinik choke.
  18. Also goes for about tree fiddy secondary, so flippers will be out in force.
  19. Ryan Garcia reminded me of a young De La Hoya: I wanted to see him KO-ed the same way I wanted to see a young De La Hoya beat down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Woohoo! Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. And the Giants don't reside in New York (city or state).
  22. Makes sense to me. With high speed cellular and offline mode and ability to cast I don't see a reason pay for downloads. If i am gonna pay money, might as well get the vinyl with the download code. But I am older, so the notion of paying for a download when I could just get it for free never made sense to me in teh first place ( but paying for premium streaming so I can access offline mode somehow does, go figure).
  23. Back to mobile chrome I guess
  24. why waste 2,206 characters publicly slamming the beer and the brewers? Either it's personal or written by a bitter, bitter man. In either case it sounds like someone that is not very much fun to drink beer with.
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