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Everything posted by UTEX_ME

  1. And it wasn’t a 1st down
  2. Well the team finally woke up after 3 quarters
  3. Team seems a little too happy being up only 7
  4. Will Texas get the ball back?
  5. Winning less than 10 games with this talent is a fucking crime
  6. Seriously… Sark should be gone this year if he doesn’t
  7. 4th quarter ballgame! This might be the last time we get it too
  8. Would rather lose to Bama than Wyoming
  9. We aren’t losing this game bc of the refs
  10. Is this where we blame the players are just in it for NIL?
  11. So Bama is just bad and we are just mediocre. Cool
  12. We are only going to get the ball 2 or 3 more times
  13. Was the whole week just hookers and blow
  14. Can we play all our games on the road?
  15. Just don’t see him as a 1st rounder
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