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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by victory88

  1. My good friend sold his house last year and was shocked how quickly it sold and that he got above asking from what I remember correctly. Since they can work remotely, they decided to try a new town in the east coast. They didn't like it and moved back to their old city and now can't find a home. They are offering 30k above asking and people are beating their offers with cash payments. Poor guy has a toddler and preggo wife and I know this has been quite stressful. I'm so happy I bought a last year before this frenzy.
  2. Solid day so far for IBRX. Part of me wants to pull out and get the gains but I'm going to hold till it hits $60 like @Harrison Stafford said it will
  3. I’m done with Shaka. This is inexcusable.
  4. Don't worry, I only know how to lose money in stonks when I make my own picks. My new strategy is to not do what I think I should do, but instead just put money in stonks other people recommend. I hope it has a different outcome haha. Honestly, I should just stick to putting it in ETFs but that's no fun.
  5. Damn, just logged in again and it's now worse than it was in the morning. Should have sold all my positions yesterday when I was in the green gawd damn it...
  6. damn... logged into my account and this is a shit start to the day. I never time the market correctly and always end up losing money haha. I'm just going to hold long on whatever I've invested in... fuck it.
  7. haha... I did do that. I'll say this much, he looked excellent in 7 on 7. He was making NFL throws that some NFL QBs don't consistently make. He also looked terrible in the game film. He had moments where he threw some solid passes, but overall, I thought it was a disappointing performance. With that said, it's game one for a team that hasn't played in over a year and has not had much practice. His OL is terrible. Not making excuses for him but I'm sure he will look very different in game 5 vs game 1. We should definitely take a QB2 because I do agree, he's going to be boom or bust. My worthless $ 0.02
  8. Yup... I'm sure he played through injuries at one point but it seemed like he basically was going through the motions this season in practice and in games and he basically opted out the second we were eliminated from the Big 12 championship and bailed on his teammates.
  9. I’m good with it. Let’s make it to the sweet 16 and I will think this will have been a solid season. Congrats Shaka. Hook em
  10. Yeah, I probably would have walked out of a fast food minimum wage job if someone ordered 100 burgers right before closing in high school as well. Who gives a fuck. Some of the people here are starting to act like aggy with the constant player bashing. I don't remember Chris Brown shitting on the university or the fanbase. He got into it with Charles O. on twitter about him flexing... so what. Dude worked his butt off, put in a lot of effort on the field, and made plays. He also liked to flex... which made him look stupid, but the bashing here needs to stop. Recruits read this stuff...
  11. Eagles is going to regret declaring early. He's always been deemed athletic but those numbers are pedestrian if that for a guy that's supposed to have "elite" athletic traits. Combine that with the fact that he has terrible on field production and has bad hands, I don't see how he's going to stick on a practice squad. LJH at least has natural football talent/instincts even if his work ethic and athleticism can be argued as lacking. I think Eagles will get picked up as a free agent, will enjoy half a cup of coffee, and then probably get cut. As far as Sterns. I thought that dude was going to be the next DBU great. He didn't improve after his freshman year due to injuries or whatever. I still saw him make solid plays but his lack of effort in many cases and his constant drama with the fans was exhausting. Every fanbase has idiot alumni and our alumni are no different. It's sad that a student has to deal with dumbass alumni but Caden hasn't exactly been a solid teammate either. Seems like he's burned whatever bridge he had with the fanbase and honestly, he should be thankful that Sark and Company are letting him into the facility after negative recruiting us to recruits. Don't shit on the fans that give you the facilities and resources for you to train and shit on the university on your way out. I hope he enjoys whatever NFL career he has but I think all of us are ready for him to move on forever. Let whatever NFL owner/gm deal with his drama from here on out. Ossai is a fucking monster. I would be shocked if he fell out of the 1st round after that pro day. The guy has been playing football for what... 7-8 years barely? He has so much potential, the right attitude, elite athleticism and is probably the most natural pass rusher in the draft. He's the best player on this team. Cosmi is going in the 1st after his pro-day as well. I know people have questioned him opting out but fuck... I would as well if I was in his shoes and was a potential 1st round pick. Look what happened to Kerstetter. Sam getting drafted at all is going to be a great story. This kid bled on the field, in practice, carried this team when his teammates quit, and was dealt a shitty coaching staff. I thought his peak would be a solid to above average college QB. He's improved so much as a passer from his freshman year. I think he would make a solid back up in the league. If Garrett Gilbert can, Sam definitely can. I'll say this much, I'm not going to doubt the kid. Put him with some good coaches, and the kid has the right attitude, mentors, experience, and work ethic to improve. It would be great for the university to have a QB drafted and sell it, even if it's in the 5th-6th round. Chris Brown was solid during his time here. He liked to flex a lot... sure. But he was probably the most consistent DB on this roster the last 2 years. If you had to told me Chris Brown would be the starter for 2 years ahead of a bunch of 5 star DBs, out perform them, and have a shot at the league, I would have bet my savings on him likely transferring to a G5 school instead. I think people take his passion the wrong way sometimes. I don't have issues with him flexing... as stupid as it looked. Atleast he played with fire unlike some of our players... Sterns... cough cough. Hopefully he enjoys a cup of coffee in the league.
  12. Some team is going to get a steal with Cosmi if he goes in the 2nd. Not many guys with his athleticism. We've had a shit o-line for a while but one bright spot was watching Cosmi dominate game in and game out since ins RS Fr year. He punked K'Lavon Chaisson in the game against LSU as a RS Soph.
  13. This is going to be a wild recruitment and odds are going to be against us. Every school was negative recruiting. Our own damn players that are entering the draft are negatively recruiting the school. Sark is going to need to show out this season to have a chance with guys like Evan. I wouldn't be surprised to see Reuben Owens decommit out of the Blue like this as well. With that said, Sark needs to continue to recruit Evans heavily. He needs to have this offense rolling in the fall, and likely needs to drop a big bag and show him how to take advantage of the NIL. If we do those things, I think he commits back to Texas. If we don't he probably ends up at Bama. I personally don't think the stars will align with us on this one with everything that will need to happen to get him back in the fold. With that said, let's get Banks, Campbell in the fold. I think with some good OL recruits... it will be easier to get some of the elite skill players on board or to keep them on the ship.
  14. I was away from the computer and thought about selling the day it went up but got busy with work and now I'm at a loss but I will hold it for a while. Might buy some more if it goes in the 20s.
  15. Now a good time to load up on XOM? With their cost cutting, they should increase their profits as the country is slowly opening up?
  16. Man, I feel for these kids on the bball last chance u. It got dusty listening to the guard, Deshaun, talk about losing his parents as a teenager and having to learn to take care of himself and grow up and not having anyone. As far as Joe, there’s so many talented guys that waste it. Kid has all the talent but can’t stay emotionally stable. That coach has a lot of patience to put up with some of the behavior.
  17. I did a little research on the company after reading @Harrison Stafford's posts. I'm going to sit on it long. I had some solid gains from Exact Sciences when they were going through their trials for colon cancer detection. Once it got FDA approval and picked up by Medicare, it shot up from $17 to over $100 in the span of a year or so. Not sure if NK will be the same but from reading, it seems like they are going through 2nd round of trials for pancreatic cancer treatment and they have had good success so far. I'm going to hold it for a while but I don't know shit from shit when it comes to stonks. Just getting back in the game... Also, anyone buy WISH today? Put a small position today. Nice day.
  18. Man, I'm happy about IBRX today. Solid rec @Harrison Stafford. You said you're holding till it hits $60?
  19. Nice day so far for NK
  20. Unfortunately, I’m middle aged so I know about the stupid opinions of young people. I think you should step outside of the UT bubble and realize many people will say the song is racist regardless of age that are not tied to Texas. I love how passionate our fan base is and this university really prides traditions which I love, like keeping our uniforms the same for the most part. But I simply don’t see us on the winning end of this. Sam was born with burnt orange and stood by the song. What happens if our team leaders Bijan or in the future Malik Murphy sit out games in the future and this thing snow balls? Hartzell is already putting out comments about our fan base not being racist because those emails only make us look bad. This is from a small news paper and OTL show that few people watch. When this hits bigger news networks or game day features it, just get ready for more embarrassment. It’s going to get changed whether we like it or not. And as racist as Alabama is, they aren’t in the news... we are. It’s already being used in recruiting against us from these schools.
  21. Just based on my views from speaking to my younger siblings currently enrolled and my younger cousins currently enrolled. Lastly, I want to be clear. I don’t think the song is racist in the present or that anyone that chooses to sings it is racist. BUT... it is absolutely not a good look for this university because there are elements to the song or where it was first performed or where the lyrics stemmed from that can be tied to racism. It makes us look really bad regardless. Let’s just hope CNN or anyone else doesn’t show our black face minstrel shows and talk about how the song had ties to it and that our alumni are forcing our black students to sing it. It’s heading in that direction and the ESPN segment did not paint us alumni very well... I sang the song at every game. I never missed a football game and attended almost every basketball game. I don’t really care about it but I know it may mean more to others. This is going to get messy and I just don’t see how it’s not going to get changed or removed.
  22. Just saw this on ESPN. I said this when this whole ordeal first started. It is only a matter of time before this song is replaced. People outside of the UT alumni bubble view the song as racist. The majority of current students view the song as racist. It doesn’t help when they show emails of our old white alumni basically threatening to pull donations and to tell the “blacks” to go elsewhere. This whole thing is a giant shit stain on the face of the university. I personally never thought the song was racist. I educated myself about it. I’m not black, so I’m not going to tell a young black student or athlete how to feel about being forced to sing it or being forced to stand and have old white people sing it to you. Just replace the damn song before this thing keeps snowballing and a national news outlet features it. It’s a damn song... who cares. It’s also being used by every school to negative recruit athletes about coming here. It may not matter to us alumni, but it could matter to a 17 year old kid.
  23. Got the first moderna shot. 24 hours later, feels like someone punched my arm 20 times.
  24. Sooo... I've been holding onto cash. Should I dump it all into TSLA right now or is this going to keep tanking? I know nothing about stonks but I always fucking miss out on the dips...
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