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Mullet Free

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Everything posted by Mullet Free

  1. Military recruitment difficulties are a multifaceted, mostly CR problem.
  2. Btc 30k. Nocoiners in disbelief.
  3. This can’t be happening. The crime rate is in line with national averages!
  4. Now CNN is saying it was all legit and Ukraine is scrambling? They’re laying it on pretty thick. Why would you broadcast that? Still calling this all a headfake. If it’s not, that is a bad sign.
  5. It’s a psyop. Anything that embarrassing and true, they would’ve rushed to discredit it by now. Would not let it be known that they’re “panicking”.
  6. Didn’t know where else to put this. Funny how Jon Stewart can get officials so riled up. BOTH SIDES can appreciate this one.
  7. Siap. Old video resurfaced. Creepy.
  8. Locking the coins was always about the pumponomics of it. I would generally agree that there will not be a huge impact. Again, how many who can sell, haven’t?
  9. Some interesting quotes within.
  10. Missed this a while back from Coinbase.
  11. I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re a dipshit that’s deluded yourself into thinking there’s more to the title than they’re really is. It’s literally the crime she was charged with. That’s it.
  12. I think she was literally asking for it. Or at least the people paying for the videos were.
  13. What the fuck is wrong with you, Mississippi?
  14. How do disabilities play into that percentage? Are they pulled from the denominator? 3 million newly disabled in the last couple years.
  15. Correct. The same people that believe we would and should fight tooth and nail for Taiwan because of the importance of the chips, think Xi would be dumb to invade Taiwan in pursuit of those same chips and more. Seems to be a disconnect there.
  16. Comes with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison in Mississippi. ‘We've never dealt with this particular type of case before,' Carter said. 'There are really no true words to describe it other than disgusting.’ When you’re creeping out a Mississippi cop, you’re out there.
  17. Xi going with the autocrat oversized table look
  18. Why are we so impatient? Maybe because all the money printing and inflation increases people’s time preference.
  19. I listened to a podcast with the author of this report. He's obviously biased, but appeared to know the details every way possible. The report itself I've only scanned, but it's dense with listed statutes that were allegedly violated. I share this here not to debate it. Just sharing since you said there's no agreed upon contents. It's all here for review. https://bidenlaptopreport.marcopolousa.org/report_viewer/index.html#p=1 https://bidenlaptopreport.marcopolousa.org/
  20. No one loves talking about Hunter’s dong more than the “former Republicans” in the CR. It’s quite the obsession.
  21. Sometimes it’s good to highlight the arguments against your position. Not much new here. A lot of the usual talking points.
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