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Mullet Free

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Everything posted by Mullet Free

  1. In France they’re rioting over Macron unilaterally raising retirement age from 62 to 64.
  2. Good news Didn’t see another thread to drop this into
  3. You forgot the part about the Fed pledging about $2T in stimulus via an emergency loan facility.
  4. I can’t provide actual analysis. I am more of a high level person. I trust the people with obvious experience over my assessment. That’s why I follow this thread and ask people like you questions. As an example I basically equate bailouts to failures so I would throw First Republic and now Credit Suisse in that bucket. So are those just psychological phenomena or is there something wrong in the system?
  5. If the SVB failure was simply caused by psychology, how would you explain the rest of the failures seemingly following it in line? All the effect of shaken confidence?
  6. swiss national bank had to double size of credit line to get deal done
  7. Yawn You should plan accordingly. Big things are happening. Or don’t plan and be a complete fucking idiot.
  8. I didn’t write the column. BTC $1M won’t happen for a while, so I wouldn’t say “Get ready!”
  9. They are, they’re just a prolific account that shares a lot of news so they’re easY to link. Better?
  10. I shared this article in the crypto thread. It’s starting to get traction outside of crypto circles. Basically QE and brrrtt is back en masse. Plan accordingly.
  11. Things must be pretty bad if they’re calling grandpa.
  12. Got it. Misread that. I did see it essentially matched in 2023 dollars the usage at peak in 2008. FWIW $12B of that usage was the emergency loan program they just set up.
  13. Thank you. Please step aside and let us take care of it.
  14. Nah. Just realistic. How’s that Patriot Act working out for you?
  15. The $2T number comes from JP Morgan. Story was shared upthread.
  16. Is this the part where you take away people’s freedoms in order to protect them? That’s a classic.
  17. Loss of keys can result in loss of funds. That can be mitigated by multi signature solutions that are already available. I suspect that will also become less of a concern over time as counterparty risk increases and as younger, more tech savvy generations mature into asset holders. This was an interesting discussion diving into how the Fed loan problem is basically the beginnings of new QE. Brrrtt personified. I’ve linked to the medium article directly. I apologize in advance. It’s upsetting to some that this black guy thinks Pepe’s are funny. I can’t exclude them. https://cryptohayes.medium.com/kaiseki-b15230bdd09e
  18. Hi, we’re the Fed. We’re here to eat your billions of losses for you if you’re interested. No thank you kind Sirs. Think of the stigma! Of course the banks took advantage of it. Massive bailout. GGWP.
  19. Don’t know if this is referring to the same thing or not. If it’s the same thing, then either the stigma is gone and they’re taking advantage of the free money, or they’re desperate.
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