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Mullet Free

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Everything posted by Mullet Free

  1. Their financial posts are pretty data driven with a doomer slant. They’re followed by pretty much everyone with a pulse in finance. I would agree it’s not worth taking too much from their political posts.
  2. Ok, so for the non experts, could the mismatch have been better managed with some kind of hedging against interest rate risk? Also let’s cut to the chase, estimates for how many cents on the dollar that large depositors will get back?
  3. Are you saying we need some brrrrrrrt?
  4. Will somebody think of the tech VCs and startups?!?!
  5. Wiesenthal. He’s alright. Into country music. Trolls his Twitter following a lot. anyway,
  6. I picture something like this meeting happening over the last few days.
  7. Possibly, if it made it all the way to actual policy. Not sure how you’d know for sure what electricity is used for if you have a small operation. ruh roh. Looks like Circle/USDC could be wrapped up in SIVB mess. Holding Bitcoin in cold storage is a good place to be as the banking sector wavers and Fed about to be forced to pivot while still at elevated levels of inflation.
  8. thereitis.gif Liesman is Fed mouthpiece was only a matter of time. Get ready for some easing at elevated inflation levels.
  9. Damn. Down another 66% pre market. So is SIVB bailed out by end of day?
  10. Here’s something on the crypto bank that’s folding up, but they had some of the same basic issues. https://www.wsj.com/articles/silvergates-story-is-about-fundamentals-not-just-crypto-30f08fc6 So, the question remains, how high up the chain do these problems spread? Is this the kind of consequence that causes the Fed to pause or alter course?
  11. Looks like a bank run beginning for a decent sized bank. SIVB explainer here contagion? I wonder how many banks have similar issues?
  12. A lot of doomers in this thread. Same energy here. Will be just as wrong.
  13. regarding bailouts, We=the governement As for the military, we're not talking small potatoes on assets. Also, results on the field? Let's avoid CR by saying we're not exactly Bama.
  14. absolute greatness. few people self own at krugman levels.
  15. Also, private companies are going to fail. That's fine. Governments bailing them out is a worse mistake as it creates moral hazard and problems deepen.
  16. The government is way better than the private sector in so many areas. Capital allocation, administration. Has anyone ever thought of putting them in charge of the means of production? Worth a try.
  17. No I don't have a problem with Ukrainians doing it. I'm sharing relevant reports about a pretty consequential action. And you should always consider sources and motivations behind reports, especially in wartime with propaganda flying everywhere.
  18. Extra background from Europe on new reports.
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