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Mullet Free

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Everything posted by Mullet Free

  1. I don’t think anyone is whipping ass. Looks like a deadly stalemate currently. Although Russia is closer to winning imo. Today we found out Ukraine has less than a month’s fuel and needs more weapons to launch its counteroffensive that was supposed to give supporting countries confidence that the tide was turning. I’m going to head out now, so y’all can shake your pom poms without fear of any divergent thoughts.
  2. Got it. This is next to the Grimes DM post in your library. There’s a few key differences. Obviously the Russian army can’t compare to ours in 2003. (Our current army would come up short as well.) Also the Ukrainian army is superior to Iraqis then. And has a lot of international weight behind it. For whatever one thinks of the size or strategic importance of Bakhmut both sides thought it was necessary to throw massive resources into the battle. Zelensky was quoted on the importance of it more than once. And the Ukrainians are just about driven out. It’s a lot of cope.
  3. Is he sandbagging or do we all need a reality check? Suddenly they don’t have enough equipment for the all important counteroffensive. Maybe Russia is pretty successfully destroying the shit we’re giving Ukraine?
  4. The only reason it’s been a rough year with regards to this war is that I think it’s clear we are going to have commit a lot more to it than people here are assuming. And that makes the range of outcomes bigger outside of being just a local conflict. I guess we’re all going to all find out. I don’t look for Russian good news, I just marvel at the pretzels people twist themselves into here. Ukrainian ammo depot blows up. They were doing Ukraine a favor! They couldn’t even get rid of those old weapons! Surely there was nothing new or useful there! Bakhmut finally falling. Oh now they’re going to pinch them from sides! Patriot system damaged. That was just falling debris! They shot every single thing down!
  5. So this report would nullify the previous claims that everything was successfully shot down.
  6. You’re joking but we do have a depleted onshore manufacturing base if it really required a total war effort. Going to need a lot of charging stations
  7. Knowing what I know now about legality and the way the system is set up, I might’ve chosen this move even if it made me physically ill. Channel my inner Chris Hansen to make sure he’s really done.
  8. I’ve been trying to find a chart/article that incorporates the effects of debt rolling over in the next few years at roughly this interest rate level, to no avail. Also, my stance is still that rates will be coming down substantially pretty soon. Fed will be forced to cut bigly.
  9. This is some CR commie shit. Can we wrap this up already?
  10. Good riddance. No salutes from the fanbois and girls here? Anyway,
  11. He said she would be on bypass? What do you mean by this? I’ll say vascular surgeons’ basic job is connecting arteries via various approaches and methods likes different grafts. As a not vascular surgeon, some aberrant vascular anatomy in a leg doesn’t seem that exciting that it would require some super specialist. It’s not an ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm. That said, if you’re not comfortable with the doc then look around. I would say the most experienced vascular surgeon in your area is a good start.
  12. Looks like confirmed Ukrainian ammo storage. lots of secondary explosions
  13. Where did you see that it was from Iran?
  14. Taxes and deficits I guess. Tax rates will go up in the future. They have to in order to attempt to fund all our entitlements. It won’t be nearly enough though.
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