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Everything posted by HonkeyVape

  1. Exactly, but even Bard needs to be fact checked and stress-tested still, I found out the hard way.
  2. The only gaslighting I see happening is this retoactive history making where people are saying that I post misinformation from dubious or devious sources (which I don't and haven't) and then when called on it they say "well we all remember it, even if we can't specifically recall it or evidence it". It's complete Mandela effect crap. And then by pushing back on this false narrative that people think they remember or have been told or confuse me with other posters who have done that because they've heuristically lumped me in with the disingenuous trolls, apparently people like you take that as being "aw shucks" or "gaslighting". I'm not even sure what the "aw shucks" criticism even means unless it's people who don't like someone being overly respectful in how they present an obviously unpopular and dissenting opinion and are cautious in their rebukes as they stand on their aforementioned unpopular and minority belief-set. I'd rather have a rational and respectful discussion, even in disagreement, than be ugly and vulgar in my words. I guess that makes my tone one of "aw shucks"?
  3. I was wondering about this, as far as a boycott backfiring (or, maybe just working really well to damage valuation pre-IPO), in that how much of reddit is a bad habit and muscle memory and once jolted from that, maybe people realize this was a waste of time that their life is better not reading what neckbeards have to say about any given topic?
  4. I think you would write a really good book, if you ever had a mind to sit down and really try to write one. I'd buy it, at least.
  5. I mean, you post it more. But yes, we all have stuff to work out. Godspeed to us all on our individual journeys. Be kind for everyone we meet is fighting a battle we don't know about.
  6. I can avow 100% I have never cited daily wire. Zero Hedge I'm 99% sure as well. Show me where you are thinking or seeing this.
  7. You should add a 4th: "Post this movie quote on a message board at least 2x a month"
  8. This is an interesting thought re: unpaid mods and just going over their heads (it's behind a paywall email I can't link):
  9. The Verge: How can one improve access for blind people on an internet website?
  10. What do you mean? I am calling you out to prove your assertation or admit you are lying. Or at best, confused or maybe just blindly accepted what you think you heard. This place can be a game of telephone like that sometimes, but the fact is, you are wrong and I guess being right and defending that is "reverting back to the mean" to you? The irony is you accuse me of being disingenuous, but it's you here who are being just that.
  11. You are a liar and/or have me confused with someone else. You can't cite one because there isn't one. I had well over 100 rep points that literally 3 people went neg bomb hunting from posts deep in post history-- that is why I was three person crowd sourced. One of my user names, a guy admitted that he spent his entire hour on his lunch break negging every post I ever had to ban me. One person. As @ChiTownDocalluded to, I don't post nudes or generally join in any of the more vulgar reindeer games that garner tons of cheap rep, so it's relatively easy in this framework for liars like you to be judge, jury and executioner.
  12. The FAQ is pretty informative, found embedded in this Tech Crunch link: https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/08/popular-third-party-reddit-app-apollo-is-shutting-down-as-a-result-of-reddits-new-api-pricing/
  13. You just made me think-- you know what sounds like a good Sci-Fi short story? A time traveler from the future? An assassin sent to eliminate the academics whose children will bring about skynet and someone who came to warn us?
  14. Also read an interesting FAQ of Apollo (third party reddit software, not the giant PE firm) where he outlines his complaints and injuries. I'll try to find it and post it for those who care.
  15. We briefly touched on this in the Elon thread, and this guy had a pretty good summary which was copied and pasted from The Hustle: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/3382-elon-musk-visionary-or-fraud/?do=findComment&comment=5291808 What interests me most is this article below and how it seems that it's a play to take advantage of the AI gold rush ahead of their IPO: “Reddit will also cash in on AI companies that scrape its posts for data and recoup the ad revenue it loses when people use apps to bypass ads.” https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/18/23688463/reddit-developer-api-terms-change-monetization-ai
  16. Your first paragraph is flat out lazy. I’ve never posted anything “misinformation” or “Russian”. I challenge and dare you to find one singular time. You won’t be able to. All my sources are almost exclusively, The New Yorker, WSJ, Bloomberg, NYT of which I am a paying subscriber. You are either a flat out liar or lazy beyond repair to have typed this response. And as far as being a Trump supporter, I only mention it because there are times when discussing politics folks have liked to say “derr I guess nobody voted for the guy!” because it’s embarrassing to have done so (which I agree), but it’s factually honest that I raise my hand and answer “here” when the roll is called. I’ve never once shied away from my beliefs or voting record and so am the opposite of disingenuous, is my stance. The most disingenuous thing about me is I post about 1/10th as often as I used to in Cloak Room because I’ve learned that, even when it’s explicitly stated otherwise, dissenting opinions and worldviews and inputs from people who honestly hold them (me) are actively and fervently discouraged.
  17. I like mysteries pretty decent and I like pre-code Hollywood movies, so I've read and watched a lot of Dashiel Hammett, but have actually never read or seen anything except the very common and popular culture references of Sherlock Holmes e.g. pipe, hat, Baker St., "Elementary, Dear Watson", etc. So I picked up and read this and it was pretty decent. Reminded me of good mix of late Victorian literature (a little Frankenstein) and Romanticism (Edgar Allen Poe/Goth/Rue Morgue). All in all, I enjoyed how it was written, very sportingly and articulated as I guess you'd wont from an 1890's English gentleman but even in small doses the arrogance of Holmes is overbearing IMO: I'm going to watch the movie this week and will post the review on the Movies thread, it's free on Tubo TV (1939 movie)
  18. Similiar vein, I just picked up:
  19. I think the people who are the most confused and remain upset are those who a) can't figure how to ignore and b) have bought into this lie that I'm disingenuous and a troll because I share my perspective and point of view, which is obviously different at times, but only really in politics and business. And maybe a few movie opinions. Just use your logical prowess and deductive reasoning and tell me what is disingenuous about how I post when you consider: My value systems and beliefs My Christian worldview My stated political voting history (I was one of the few who consistently would admit and raise my hand as someone who voted for Trump when folks would ask for us to identify ourselves) My demographics -- white, male, middle class, suburban cisgender, heteronormative dad I mean, based on what I know about sociology, it would be disingenuous if I weren't posting the way I do, which is my honest and earnest beliefs and point of view. There are only two reasons I can think of as to why you'd think I'm "disingenuous": 1) You don't actually know what the word means and you just repeat what has become a common aphorism of message board disagreements 2) You somehow think that I am actually NOT a more conservative person (compared to what the board has become) and that I'm trolling by pretending to hold these views so as to cause conflict for some weird internet troll pleasure. This is an insane position to have, IMO. The only thing I can say is maybe disingenuous is that I typically won't lose my cool and resort to cursing and personal attacks. I mean I am a human so I'm sure it happens from time to time, but generally speaking I can remain calm and moderated in the face of a lot of abusive crap, which I guess you can say is slightly disingenuous, though I'd say it's being the bigger man and demonstrating gentleness and humility. But I get it, there is a type of people who need you to match their energy when they are emotionally tilting, but it's not a mature or healthy state (again, IMO).
  20. There was a thread where the guy said this: "blah blah blah Why do y’all on the right insist on pushing your beliefs onto others in the form of policy and law?" Asking for inputs. To which they were mostly negged: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/30013-religion-weaponized-religion-and-the-separation-of-church-and-state/#comment-5127083 https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/30013-religion-weaponized-religion-and-the-separation-of-church-and-state/#comment-5126772 https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/30013-religion-weaponized-religion-and-the-separation-of-church-and-state/page/4/#comment-5128950 I remember this one specifically because it felt like there was an honest and safe invitation to share in effort to learn or at least understand, versus just sharing in the middle of an echo chamber.
  21. Dude be honest. Any dissenting opinion is met with negs. There was a thread where the poster literally asked for more conservative input and opinions under the guise of a safe space and adult discussion, and moderated posts were neg bombed. The problem is there are like 10-12 posters who gatekeep and have unlimited rep.
  22. Gen Z is going to put some of y’all in an early grave. But if we did our job they won’t be passport bros or gooners, at least.
  23. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/rizz/#:~:text=What does rizz mean%3F,the older slang term game.
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