I think the people who are the most confused and remain upset are those who a) can't figure how to ignore and b) have bought into this lie that I'm disingenuous and a troll because I share my perspective and point of view, which is obviously different at times, but only really in politics and business. And maybe a few movie opinions.
Just use your logical prowess and deductive reasoning and tell me what is disingenuous about how I post when you consider:
My value systems and beliefs
My Christian worldview
My stated political voting history (I was one of the few who consistently would admit and raise my hand as someone who voted for Trump when folks would ask for us to identify ourselves)
My demographics -- white, male, middle class, suburban cisgender, heteronormative dad
I mean, based on what I know about sociology, it would be disingenuous if I weren't posting the way I do, which is my honest and earnest beliefs and point of view.
There are only two reasons I can think of as to why you'd think I'm "disingenuous":
1) You don't actually know what the word means and you just repeat what has become a common aphorism of message board disagreements
2) You somehow think that I am actually NOT a more conservative person (compared to what the board has become) and that I'm trolling by pretending to hold these views so as to cause conflict for some weird internet troll pleasure. This is an insane position to have, IMO.
The only thing I can say is maybe disingenuous is that I typically won't lose my cool and resort to cursing and personal attacks. I mean I am a human so I'm sure it happens from time to time, but generally speaking I can remain calm and moderated in the face of a lot of abusive crap, which I guess you can say is slightly disingenuous, though I'd say it's being the bigger man and demonstrating gentleness and humility. But I get it, there is a type of people who need you to match their energy when they are emotionally tilting, but it's not a mature or healthy state (again, IMO).