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Everything posted by HonkeyVape

  1. The same Houston fan who told me in April that you can't be a serious team if the Reds sweep you is suspiciously quiet after this weekend.
  2. But those three are pretty much the entire roster of the Suns right (and with the assumption that Ayton will be moved?)? Also, including dead money on the books that hits the salary cap, the Bears had a 2022 payroll of $204,696,905 But I get it, Twitter is used to post disingenuous headlines all the time for every agenda item you can think of. As a Mavs fan, I'm getting real ragey about hearing of interest in paying money to bring back Harrison Barnes as a FA along with GRANT freaking Williams. UGH.
  3. You mentioned Orkut failed, and I don't know why, but I think it's widely seen that the more "responsible" apps for dating have even devolved into more of a "swipe right/left, hook-up based on a bio line and photos and start texting", which I think is the biggest problem from what I read. Match.com owns Tinder now, so it doesn't surprise me if they've gone that way. I think e-harmony is probably the boring OG one that people who are serious probably look to, but I'm sure there are creeps on all those things these days.
  4. You don't twitch, bro? TOLO? You are appreciated.
  5. Not gonna lie, kinda glad to see it flopped because it looked lame and uninspired (lol @ "element city") -- it's like when you want UT to lose out so hopefully it inspires positive change:
  6. This is me. I tried the Freak for a day or two and it was beyond bad. The Ticket never appealed to me. While Shan and RJ suck and are cringe, Bobby Belt is good, and I like Gbag. Especially Crusty Brian B.
  7. Bumping this because I'm reminded of how the design for hobbies seems sub-optimal. For example, you have a thread about Cormac McCarthy dying which has gotten great posts and reflections and recommendations and discussion-- even to the one guy who had a dissenting opinion almost wholly born of ignorance was treated very kindly-- and it's in the Daily Texan. 2/3 of the posters on that thread probably don't even know a Books forum is nested in the Hobbies forum.
  8. Jerome Charyn’s description of “Suttree,” in The Times’s 1979 review, could well be about any of McCarthy’s novels. “The book comes at us like a horrifying flood. The language licks, batters, wounds — a poetic, troubled rush of debris,” Charyn wrote. “It is personal and tough, without that boring neatness and desire for resolution that you can get in any well-made novel. Cormac McCarthy has little mercy to spare, for his characters or himself. … ‘Suttree’ is like a good, long scream in the ear.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/13/books/cormac-mccarthy-best-books.html?
  9. You are a thief and a liar. And of course, some of the most morally horrendous people are the ones who liked your post about stealing other peoples intellectually property.
  10. Are the Rangers gassed or what? This series they've looked wholly average.
  11. The same Andreeson who was getting pantsed when talking about NFTs? The one who spurred/encouraged the SVB bank run? The one who is moving and opening an office in London to focus on crypto? These guys have lost their fastball and are a long ways from “software is eating the world” and “pay me my money you are better than that and you know it” voicemail tirade that made them legends. Anyways, what were we talking about? Startups? I’ve consulted for startups for a decade— never hit a home run like some of the 20 something’s in customer service reps and BDRs at Snowflake who cashed out for like $6mm, but then again I’ve never joined or worked with or for a true risky startup. Mostly late series B/C-F rounds with already unicorn status. You won’t make multiple millions on equity that way, but I’ve bought a house on one.
  12. Yea that was bad. He gleefully steals from artists. Weird flex and boast. In other news: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jun/13/spacex-starlink-hire-child-college-graduate? Kairan Quazi is years away from being able to watch an R-rated movie at the theater by himself or buy a drink at the bar, but he’s about to get a college degree and start a job at SpaceX. Other than that, the 14-year-old insists he’s had a fairly normal academic journey. Virginia fifth-grader’s textbook correction gets hat tip from publisher Quazi’s story has gone viral after California media outlets reported on his preparing to graduate from Santa Clara University on 17 June. The Bay Area native will not only become the youngest graduate in the school’s 172-year history, but is also about to join a short list of people who have graduated from college in their childhoods.
  13. I mean, this is pretty much the truth of it. I am curious to hear @Brian Fantanaexpound, if he would be so gracious, on the nuances and when it's okay or "good trouble" to steal IP.
  14. Further to add from that article: Also, interesting to note, there are parallels with studies of those who consume excessive TikTok.
  15. Here is a link to National Library of Medicine, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4560964/ which I saw from the WSJ which said "While there’s plenty to say about ways porn can affect the development of relationships and sexuality, this is a more focused look at children’s brain chemistry. Research shows that younger people’s brains are more wired for pleasure than adults, with higher spikes of the feel-good neurotransmitter dopamine released in anticipation of enjoyable activities, from an article entitled, "What Porn Does to the Teen Brains..." Another link from Neuroscience: https://neurosciencenews.com/neuroscience-pornography-brain-15354/ Note, these aren't links from the many, many "Focus on the Family" and other conservative sites. These are pretty unbiased.
  16. I don't think this is even debatable anymore. There are things that happen in the brain-- from a synapsis and neuron level-- that get warped, broken or disconnected from a developing human being (read: teenager) being flooded with any and all kinds of porn, for free, at any given time needed. It's so important for parents to keep an eye on this in this era where kids have iPhones from the ages of like 7 or 8. And it's not just that they are looking at pictures-- it's the progression of watching more and more and more until the most extreme and hardcore fetishes and insane categories have to be explored to satisfy the natural human condition desire for sex. It's the definition of perverse, which is why I think it's actually good some states are making laws (no CR) making it hard for underage to access these sites. I think Louisiana and Utah from what I remember. If you are over the age of 18 and want to be a weirdo fetishist and gooner and then have horrible social skills and stupid ideas about women, then that's on you I guess.
  17. It is very problematic for a bunch of white men from the patriarchal, cisgender heteronormative power structure to be ridiculing a BIPOC person for their culture and cultural style of dress, however tawdry and cheap it may seem from that perspective. Granted, he's being braggadocios, but I think that is a natural part of the biology of the Latin person as it is scientifically understood that their blood is hotter than their European peers. /s
  18. This thread has me wanting to dust off some books, but who has the time? I really should read BM again, but also I haven't read The Road in much longer and Stella Maris which I don't think I've even unboxed. Also, Cormac McCarthy might have been lowkey crazy to the guy who said writers aren't as crazy as they used to be-- he was just so reclusive we don't really know, but most sane men don't marry 3 times lol
  19. We actually watched Luca last week again because we enjoyed it decently enough the first time we saw it, but ended up turning it off 1/3 of the way through. It was pretty good but not one you rewatch IMO. But yes, had I just gotten back from the Mediterranean I'm sure it would hit different.
  20. I never understood the dating math gatekeeping thing and the flak people like Leo DiCaprio gets. You are old and want to date a 20-something because you value aesthetic and cosmetic beauty? Why do we judge that? It's on him to put up with the immaturity and personality and relationship games to the extent they exist, which is likely. It's a form of reverse age-ism, as long as everyone are consensual adults.
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