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Everything posted by HonkeyVape

  1. Milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom...sharpens you up and makes you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence.
  2. Impressive to be in IB as a young analyst from a non-target. Keep your nose to the grindstone until you can exit to industry is my $.02
  3. That makes sense-- and it definitely worked as a novel, it's just a tier-two novel in his expansive and masterful catalogue (and would be most novelists greatest contribution) but I still say that the Coen Bros treatment as a movie was better than the novel, which is unique in and of itself, much less when speaking of a writer with the premiere talent as McCarthy.
  4. ahh maybe so, sorry.
  5. Blood Meridian is his magnum opus and the greatest American piece of literature, so why not start there if you are just trying to skip the foreplay.
  6. I could be misremembering but I thought there was a poster named Suttree. I'm guessing that was his favorite work.
  7. Same. I think this is probably his greatest writing, plucked from his masterpiece, which I also think (along with Harold Bloom, ((RIP)) world's foremost literary critic of Shakespeare and Western Canon, also thought) is the greatest American novel. His writing was dense. It was deep and it was extremely rustic, so I get why some aesthetically didn't find the appeal. But as others mentioned, his treatment on morality and the general human condition was in parts terrifying and violent-- nasty, brutal and short, as is said of life-- but wholly beautiful. I won't belabor what 2 pages have already said, but Blood Meridian is a book I revisit every 4-5 years because it speaks to me and stirs something in my soul. All the Pretty Horses was fantastic as well. I'm of the mind and minority opinion that The Road takes a back seat to his truly great novels and that NCFOM was a better movie than novel. In fact, I think I read that McCarthy actually approached NCFOM differently than his other books to be less a narrative with sprawling prose and more of the shape of a movie, with the end game of a movie in mind.
  8. hmmmm.....nah.
  9. Maybe so, maybe so. Old people like bland things and easy to swallow things…like sugar free jello. Pixar is the sugar free jello of kids snacks these days.
  10. Pretty much agree with your take, but I think the human stub was one of the most powerful ones. The first eponymous one was all around the most entertaining for me.
  11. The Hound of Baskervilles (1939) Pretty weak, compared to pre-code Hollywood mysteries and compared to the book, which was itself a little uneven. I guess that's because it's mostly British with Basil Rathbone being the lead as Sherlock Holmes. The book review, crosspost: I like mysteries pretty decent and I like pre-code Hollywood movies, so I've read and watched a lot of Dashiel Hammett, but have actually never read or seen anything except the very common and popular culture references of Sherlock Holmes e.g. pipe, hat, Baker St., "Elementary, Dear Watson", etc. So I picked up and read this and it was pretty decent. Reminded me of good mix of late Victorian literature (a little Frankenstein) and Romanticism (Edgar Allen Poe/Goth/Rue Morgue). All in all, I enjoyed how it was written, very sportingly and articulated as I guess you'd wont from an 1890's English gentleman but even in small doses the arrogance of Holmes is overbearing IMO
  12. Yea, the well has run dry for sure. You can trace the downfall back to The Good Dinosaur (which I actually liked a lot more than critics and audience), where the originals are all very underwhelming (save Coco) and are generally known as mediocre (Turning Red, Onward, Luca, Elemental looks like etc.) and then sequels that should have never been made but for a money-grab (Incredibles 2, Cars 3, with Toy Story 4 and then Lightning being the worst offenders). I left out Soul because I thought it was interesting and creative, even if the target audience of children and parents didn't like it that much, and Finding Dory because while I thought it was not very good, it had a lot of hype and demand to be made and did big numbers.
  13. Everyone has switched from Yeti's to Stanley's as a status symbol anyways.
  14. Is this the West as described by frontiersman and early American colonists before manifest destiny? I mean, I get the Chiefs play in the AFC West, put the Cowboys play in the NFC East as well.
  15. Fucking love that guy Yep, beyond basketball seems like just a good guy.
  16. A stinging rebuke. What I think he is saying is, "yes the rules are as I stated, but not for you."
  17. Is this illegal? Desperate? or Standard Strike Porcodure? The Flying Squadrons are on set, but they’re not there to dazzle cameras with aerial maneuvers. These are battalions of picketing Writers Guild of America members out to cost studios millions by disrupting movie and television shoots. Named after striking 1930s textile workers, these WGA squads are blocking deliveries to sets, closing off production-lot entrances and photobombing scenes shot in public places, The Wall Street Journal reports. As one veteran showrunner tells the Journal, “keeping a show up and running involves the exact same skill set required to shut a show down.” “Billions,” “Severance,” “American Horror Story,” and a new “Ghostbusters” movie are among the productions that have recently been delayed, disrupted or postponed due to demonstrations by striking WGA workers. The writers' strike is now into its sixth week.
  18. You obviously have your mind made up and won't be dissuaded by reality and facts (or lack thereof, as it pertains to no evidence of me gaslighting or trolling), but can you at least do your job as outlined by @blacklab and @immamac and at least warn people from rep-abuse and harassment? I am reporting per your last request.
  19. While I disagree fundamentally with a lot of your premise, I can work with this feedback. It's at least an honest perception.
  20. You are essentially saying "shut up and take it or you will be negged, nobody likes a complainer" but the problem is that the disingenuousness and low-effort is from people like you who just believe something (e.g. I'm a troll who a) doesn't believe what he posts and b) posts dis/misinformation from horrible sources) without any proof, effort of evidence, and just because I've been lumped in with some others. If I don't speak up and risk the irrational wrath of people like you (and probably the justified annoyance of most everyone else) then you people continue believing in this urban legend. My situation is very much a paradox much like the one neonmoon posted-- don't say anything; be erroneously believed to be a troll who gets negged. Speak up and defend myself--be seen as a "complainer of negs" and get negged. But I mean, as you can see, I'm not one to be easily cowed.
  21. Yea I mostly agree and where I did that was where I would expect ChatGPT and AGI to excel -- in going out and scraping data from a defined scope of time, in a hard-data/factual sort of way. Like, no subjectivity or opinion, just reporting back. Again, lesson learned in that example. And it happened to be a very visible lesson and I guess one that everyone else had already learned based on the feedback.
  22. 1) It's a paywall email newsletter. You literally can't access it without paying for it, so that's why I said that. But here you go, knock yourself out: https://stratechery.com/2023/reddit-revolt-apollo-and-reddits-changes-complement-complaints/ 2) The only thing I complained about what was what I ended up being correct about. Being vocal and standing up for yourself and being right is like punishing the team who throws the red challenge flag and is correct. I don't understand the mentality. Here is where I had to summarize for people the timeline because for some people maybe the pace of a messageboard is a bit fast at times: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/3382-elon-musk-visionary-or-fraud/?do=findComment&comment=5280395 Here is the acknowledgement, like an adult: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/3382-elon-musk-visionary-or-fraud/?do=findComment&comment=5291495 Here is the acknowledgment, like a child: https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/3382-elon-musk-visionary-or-fraud/?do=findComment&comment=5282658 -- The biggest problem, from what I can tell is that a) people like you go on neg-hunting sprees when they make their minds up about things despite being right or wrong and just get a taste for the blood, the dislike of someone's tenor, and want to harass them, like you are doing now (which I've reported, for negging innocuous posts in other threads), and b) people get in such a hurry and are so excited to try and dunk on others, that they end up fumbling the ball out of bounds like Lebron in game 2 against the nuggets. Generative AI. Specifically Bard.Google.com
  23. Dude, that was an error of judgment and part of the learning curve of using a new technological tool. That is NOT the equivalent of posting sources from hedgezero or russianews or whatever bullcrap fringe sites that was being implied by the poster that said that. And I immediately admitted my fault and took the blame for being too trusting in generative AI, which is a common fallacy in these nascent days and recanted almost immediately. Which is again, not what the implication is when someone believes/pushes false narrative misinformation crap from dubious websites. And Google Bard and ChatGPT aren't dubious websites, they just need an extra level of fact-checking and stress-testing before sharing which is the learned best practice.
  24. Which then brings back up the discussion of using free labor/volunteer labor for mods versus paying for moderation like every other social media has to do. You can't have it both ways, I think reddit is finding out.
  25. I think this is right, from what I've read. I think the "risk" or "bet" that management and bankers are making is that the good (revenue spike) will outweigh the bad (loss of users/content) until the IPO and then they can figure out how to fix the UI/UX after everyone (management, shareholders, bankers) cash out. As risks and bets are wont to do, they could be wrong and this could backfire (e.g. boycott right now, etc.). For what it's worth, I read that the Apollo CEO "threatened" Reddit CEO on a call with a veiled threat to damage reddit and also made a vague threat of "buy me (Apollo) for $10mm or else". Apollo CEO has denied this. ETA link for above: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36245721#:~:text=Then yesterday%2C moderators told me,He's threatening us."
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