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Everything posted by GHOSTUSER

  1. How the fuck did we let Mitchell get that wide open. Thank God he missed
  2. Thank God I’m watching this on ATTSW based on the comments here. Beth Mowins voice is like nails on a chalkboard
  3. Did you see the numbers and percentage of inbreeding in those countries. The prevalence of inbreeding in Islamic countries is the point not that it happens here
  4. They’re a 3.2 ABV state? I know they’ve voted to change their shitty liquor laws
  5. What the fuck are the Jazzhole fans booing? That it’s not a foul? Cunts
  6. What the fuck is wrong with Harden tonight. He is not even looking to take it all to the hoop. Late night partying?
  7. How is it misleading when he got suspended for a day for it. Do you not remember when he said this? I’m watching the Rockets, I’m out
  8. Withstood a good start by Utah and poor shooting by us. Kill their spirit with a lead at the end of this quarter
  9. No brisket did in reference to a guy’s daughter
  10. You have been a humorless dick since hornfans
  11. No way man. Love Willie and wanted all of them in my avatar. I couldn’t fit all of them in when I was making my avatar. If you can I will gladly switch it.
  12. This is a community. I would sit down and have a beer with every one of you. We can have disagreements and call each other stupid but to tell me to leave or brisket wanting to have pjhooker wanting to see his daughter’s blood ebb out of her and die is crossing the line
  13. WTF dude that’s rude. We don’t have any issues anywhere else. I’m here for UT football and HOUSTON sports
  14. Right, who here wouldn’t get pissed that an indicted charlatan like Michael Avenatti drug up some lying skank to falsely accuse a man who had an impeccable reputation before his nomination of being the leader of gang rapes. That the MSM media hasn’t had any remorse or issued any apologies to Justice Kavanaugh in light of that scum Avenatti’s nefarious behavior being brought to light is appalling.
  15. I dislike all religious fundamentalists. We agree on that. I am a member of a Christian denomination that is considered part of the Christian “left”. I don’t like social conservatives and am very supportive of the LGBTQ community, which you know. There are more issues with the basic tenets of Islam in its effect on society than other religions. I finished God in the Q’uran by Jack Miles recently. I recommend it. It gave me a better understanding of how the Islamic mindset came about.
  16. Inbreeding is definitely an Islamic practice. The first article that you cited was trying not to state the truth in order not to offend Muslims. My grandfather, who was the only member of my family that was a practicing Muslim, would tell me as a kid that he wanted me to marry my 1st cousin. My Mom, Dad, Aunt and me all thought it was disgusting, but that’s Islam.
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