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  1. Saw Soul Coughing's first show of their reunion tour in SD. It was amazing, so fucking happy they're back.
  2. If I'm a 35 year old welterweight I'm taking every PED I can get away with. Idk what the fuck he was doing during his two year break but he looks terrible.
  3. The main event is a snoozefest..Colby is barely engaging. He's a 35 year old welterweight this is his last chance to get an attempt at a title..I assumed he would come out blazing.
  4. Thread title. Even if you only lasted a day, what is the worst job you've ever had?
  5. I'm reading that poor sap who was only 2 months into his marriage when news broke Bobby P was nailing his wife is still married. Would anyone here stay with their wife after being cucked by Petrino on the national stage?
  6. Gomez - Bring It On Soul Coughing - Irresistible Bliss Both great albums start to finish..haven't listened to them in forever.
  7. Their heavyweight GOAT in Stipe hasn't fought in 2 years & has an actual day job & Jones has entered the division after not fighting for 3 years. The UFC is never going to get elite HW sized athletes until they start paying more. Iirc Ngannou's last UFC HW title fight his purse was 500k & he reportedly received 10m for the Fury fight.
  8. They give the decision to Fury
  9. Holy fucking shit he knocked down Fury..what in the actual fuck
  10. I got you brah: https://redditsports.stream/boxingstreams Bookmark redditsports.stream has the best aggregate for streams for all sports.
  11. So we got 2 ppl actually watching this fight?
  12. I had a stroke trying to read this.
  13. Who thinks this?
  14. Noticed this as well, also the Walmart reusable bag filled with Peeps. She looks like throwback early 00s white trash, trends go in cycles I guess.
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