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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. 10-15% is gigantic. My son has heard 5-8. It’s all big.
  2. They would be great announcers, holy shit. But they are way beyond that, now.
  3. nbmishoid

    Texas GPA

    Roofing company ad coutrse
  4. nbmishoid

    Texas GPA

    With that GPA in Engineering, one will surely get a good job. More to the point, this is part of the roster building. Smart player better than the alternative
  5. Right, Taylor Potts not Joel K. Kindle was a missle. Thanks for the memory
  6. We all love Sam. He’s not available any longer. Unless someone wants to slyly critique Ewers. It’s exhausting.
  7. Thanks for remembering that Colt vs Chase night game, 2008. Just fantastic on so many levels. Walking out along San Jacinto was solid drunken high 5’s all the way to Scholz.
  8. That TD pass to end the half was a beautiful thing,
  9. Back on topic, they’ve had this in Singapore for 30 years. Of course it is because it works.
  10. The complement is for your insistence on correct usage of words that have arithmetic implication.
  11. You never heard a prayer at a HS game. They would go on forever, with hundreds of kids in the stands yelling Amen! At the top of their lungs?
  12. Sark,is poorly aggressive. He is situationally aggressive, but then makes weak calls. Kind of infuriating
  13. The Gtech Vandy game went to, what, 6 OTs. Each team’s atttempt was a quick pass with some Q B motion. Often counter to play flow. Always appearing very well blocked, very highly practiced. Ball is out in 1.5-2 sec to a specific read. No sacks. we look lost down there. We should have 6-8 well practiced 2 point conversions to usein that situation. It seems we don’t have them.
  14. No country spends 5%, ever. The US is at 4 now and was at WW2. 2%, the NATO goal, is above average. Picketty’s giant Ideology and Capitalism has tons of interesting military spending details. Only rich countries can do it. tl/dr. Trump’s comment is moronic
  15. Could be. My view is the money drives both situations to as much work as is humanly possible. Hell, I did that for a lot less.
  16. Not recruiting means you don’t get your guys. I don’t see Sark chasing some other person’s idea of career. Money, independence, respect, etc I see personal fulfillment much more likely in the college game. 13 win Steve.
  17. When the input data is generally 1 maybe 2 subjective significant figures, there is no gnat here.
  18. Rex, the football gods don’t like arrogant confidence. It will be your fault.😖
  19. Great analysis. The real problem with mega conferences is that, like entropy, this is a one way phenomenon. Outside of a societal collapse, what universities will vote for less money? This is truly not going back.
  20. Leavitt and Scat are the best or most dangerous QB/RB combo left. Last person to run and catch at these numbers was 15 yrs ago. He’s that rare. I believe we had better buckle up. Makes for a different Texas offense. Now their defense is in trouble
  21. If that’s what it was, you’d have to be a dolt to use it. Wait….
  22. No. But I turned 6 that 1960, and did not become aware of Texas football until the 1963 cotton bowl. Roger the Dodger. Agree, we’re in a good place.
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