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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nbmishoid

  1. The flight was from MSP on an obviously USA carrier.
  2. How long will this pogrom last? He ditched McKinsey long ago. The grudge and grievance line is over yonder.
  3. Other than being ripe for the taking, with a population pleased as punch to go along, no, not much alike in any anological perspective
  4. There are other web sites for you.
  5. Point well made. Not a big user, mostly order directly. But do make plenty of lazy ass purchases. That is going to take discipline.
  6. It was the Nazi army making their few day blitzkrieg.
  7. All publicity is good publicity. So they say.
  8. I’m a big Ewers supporter. The piling on tradition is unfortunate, though maybe sometimes necessary. As said abov, VY and Colt in the honor ring. Ewers, Sam, thanks, and free beer for life. Arch? The NC is so much harder now, the SEC is actually difficult most every week, if not every. Let’s see what he does
  9. The Applewhite fans were louder.
  10. Trump won’t like the photos. No more funding of National Cathedral
  11. Also, avatar checks out. Had to be said.
  12. Check sarcasm meter
  13. Better there than the inauguration
  14. 10-15% is gigantic. My son has heard 5-8. It’s all big.
  15. They would be great announcers, holy shit. But they are way beyond that, now.
  16. nbmishoid

    Texas GPA

    Roofing company ad coutrse
  17. nbmishoid

    Texas GPA

    With that GPA in Engineering, one will surely get a good job. More to the point, this is part of the roster building. Smart player better than the alternative
  18. Right, Taylor Potts not Joel K. Kindle was a missle. Thanks for the memory
  19. We all love Sam. He’s not available any longer. Unless someone wants to slyly critique Ewers. It’s exhausting.
  20. Thanks for remembering that Colt vs Chase night game, 2008. Just fantastic on so many levels. Walking out along San Jacinto was solid drunken high 5’s all the way to Scholz.
  21. That TD pass to end the half was a beautiful thing,
  22. Back on topic, they’ve had this in Singapore for 30 years. Of course it is because it works.
  23. The complement is for your insistence on correct usage of words that have arithmetic implication.
  24. Your engineer is showing.
  25. You never heard a prayer at a HS game. They would go on forever, with hundreds of kids in the stands yelling Amen! At the top of their lungs?
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